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单词 position
position/pə′zɪ ʃn/ n & vt

n (1)位置 (place where sb or sth is) [C]: The house is in/has a good~near the sea. 这所房子位于海边的一个好地方。fix a ship's~测定船的方位;show sb the~of the school on the map 为某人指出学校在地图上的位置;a perfect~for a watchtower 建瞭望塔的好地方;attack/storm the enemy's~s 进攻/猛攻敌人的阵地;find a~where one will get a good view of the procession 找一个看游行的好位置;〖同〗place,location;

(2)(尤指竞争或战争中)有利的地位 (place of advantage esp in a competition or a war) [U]: manoeuvre/jockey for~运用策略取得有利地位;

(3)(站,坐等的)姿势(态) (particular way of standing sitting etc) [C U]: stand/sit/lie in a comfortable~以舒服的姿势站/坐/躺着;in a sitting/standing/crouching~站/坐/蹲伏着;in an upright~ 垂直地;in a horizontal~ 水平地;stand for hours without changing~姿势不变地站几个小时;

(4)观点,立场,态度(point of view; opinion held by sb) [C][N(on)]: state one's~on unilateral disarmament 声明自己对单方面裁军的观点;sb's~regarding sth 某人对某事的观点;make one's~clear 讲明自己的立场;take up a~on sth 对某事采取一种态度;What is your~on this matter/problem/foreign aid? 你对这件事/这个问题/外国援助持什么态度?〖同〗opinion, viewpoint, outlook, stand;

(5)状(境)况,处境 (situation; condition or circumstances) [C, 尤sing]: in an embarrassing/awkward~ 处于尴尬/困窘的境地; in a difficult~ 处于困难的境地;put sb in an impossible~使某人处于无法忍受的境地;be satisfied with one's~对自己的处境很满意;A man in his~might have done the same thing. 处于他那种情况的人都可能这样做。the economic~of the country 该国的经济形势;be in a~to help sb 能帮某人的忙;〖同〗situation,condition,place;

(6) 1)身份,地位 (person's rank or place in relation to others) [C]: a high/low~in society 高/低的社会地位;What is her~in class? 她在班上排在第几名?the top~in the class 班里的第一名;a woman of high~一个地位很高的妇女;people in~s of power and influence 有权势和影响的人物;They were men of the highest~in England. 他们是英国地位最高的人。〖同〗standing,status; 2)很高的级别或身份 (high rank or status) [U]: people of~中上阶级的人们;P~and money are not important to him. 地位和金钱对他并不重要。a family with~有社会地位的家庭;〖同〗importance,prestige;

(7)工作,职位 (job; employment) [C] (fml): a~in/with a company 在一家公司里的职位;apply for the~of manager 申请经理的职位;get a good~in the Civil Service 在政府机关中谋到一份好工作;get a~as a governess 获得家庭女教师的工作;in a~of great trust 担任职责重要的工作;〖同〗job,place,post;

(8)(球类比赛中运动员的)职责(位置) ((in team games) function and/or part of the playing area assigned to a player) [C]: “What~does he play?” “Centre-forward.” “他踢什么位置?”“中锋。”

in/into position 在/就位,站好位置: Put it back in~. 把它放回原位。(runners) get into~on the starting line (赛跑者)在起跑线上站好位置;

out of position 位置没放好: One of the chairs is out of~. 有一把椅子没放好。

→po′sitional adj 位置的;

vt (1) 使处于 (put sth/sb in a particular place) [T+n]:~the aerial for the best reception 把天线调到最佳接收位置;~oneself near the fire 坐在火边;~the cup carefully on the edge of the shelf 小心翼翼地将茶杯放在书架边缘上;~the chairs for the committee meeting 为委员会会议摆座位;~the rook on the wrong square 把棋子“车”放错了格;〖同〗put, place, arrange, set;

(2)定位(locate) [T+n]:~the yacht by means of radar 通过雷达发现游艇的位置;〖同〗locate;






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