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单词 possess
possess/pə′zes/ vt [-es / ɪz/]

(1) 1)拥(占)有 (have or own sth) [T+n]:~rich mineral deposits/100 acres of land/a lot of money/documents that proved the right to the ownership/a licence for a car 拥有丰富的矿藏/100公顷土地/很多钱/证明所有权的文件/一辆汽车的执照;~nothing 一无所有;lose all that one~es 失去了自己拥有的一切;She lent him a book she~ed. 她把自己的书借给他。〖同〗own, have, hold, occupy; 2)具有(某种品质) (have sth as a quality) [T+n]:~patience/tact/noble qualities/a beautiful singing voice/talent具有耐心/机智/高尚的品质/美丽的歌喉/天才;〖同〗have;

(2)占据(控制)(某人的思想) (take control of the mind of sb) [T+npass C+n+to-inf]: seem to be~ed (by the devil) 好像是鬼迷了心窍;be~ed by jealousy 妒火中烧;be~ed with the idea that one is being followed 心里总以为有人跟踪自己;Extreme anger~ed her and she hit the taxi driver. 她怒不可遏,打了出租汽车司机。He was suddenly~ed by a desire to rush into the room. 他忽然产生了一个冲进房间的强烈欲望。Whatever~ed you to do that? 到底是什么原因让你干出那件事来?〖同〗dominate, control, influence;

be possessed of sth 具有(某种品质)(fml): As a musician, she is~ed of unusual ability and sensitivity. 作为一个音乐家,她具有超凡的能力和敏感性。

like one possessed 像着了魔一样: He fought like a man~ed. 他像着了魔一样地战斗。

→pos′sessive adj 占有欲的;所有格的;n 物主词;所有格;pos′sessively adv占有地;pos′sessiveness n占有;pos′sessor n 占有者;pos′session n;






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