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单词 post
post1/pə ʊst, AmE poʊst/ n;vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)(木,金属等的)柱(桩、杆),标柱(杆) (upright piece of wood metal etc supporting or marking sth) [C] (尤用于合成词): gate/boundary/goal~s 门柱/界桩/(足球等的)球门柱;a lamp-~灯柱;a sign~标杆;a bed~床柱;The notice was nailed to a~. 布告钉在柱子上。〖同〗stake,pole;

(2)(比赛的)起(终)点 (place where a race starts or finishes) [C the~]: the starting/winning/finishing~(赛跑(马)的)起/终/终点;

vt (1) 1)贴出(布告等) (put (a notice etc) in a public place) [T+n T+n+adv(up)]: P~no bills. 禁止张贴。~up advertisements everywhere 到处张贴广告;~up new regulations 贴出新的规定;~up the names of the members of the team 贴出球队成员的名单;2) (以公告等形式)公布 (announce sth about sb or sth by means of a poster list etc put in public places) [尤 pass T+n C+n+adj C+n+as]:~the news/the grades 公布消息/成绩;~the information about the election 将选举的消息公布于众;~the new rules on walls throughout the town 将新法规张贴在全城各处的墙上;a ship~ed (as) missing/late 已宣布为失踪/晚到的船;〖同〗 publish,disclose,report,advertise;inform;

(2)(将布告等)贴于 (cover with posters) [T+n T+n+adv (over)]:~a wall (over) with placards/advertisements/notices 将海报/广告/通知贴在一面墙上





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