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单词 positive
positive/′pɒzətɪv, AmE ′pɑ:-/ adj & n

adj (1)明确(确实,无疑)的 (clear and definite; leaving no room for doubt):~instructions/orders/rules/reasons 明确的指示/命令/规则/原因;a~proof/answer/evidence/refusal确证/明确的答复/明确的证据/直接了当的拒绝;We have~knowledge that the earth moves around the sun. 我们确知地球围着太阳转。〖同〗conclusive, firm, definite;

(2)(指人)确信无疑(肯定)的 ((of a person) quite certain; having no doubt about sth) [A(about/of), A+that][作pred]: be quite~about the amount of the money involved/what one sees 对所涉及的钱数/自己所看见的事相当肯定;I'm absolutely~that it was after midnight/I can win/he's right. 我肯定那是在午夜以后/我能赢/他是对的。“Are you sure?” “P~.” “你肯定吗?”“肯定。”〖同〗sure,certain; 〖反〗unsure,doubting,uncertain;

(3) 1)有帮助的,积极(建设性)的 (helpful; constructive):~criticism 积极的批评;make~proposals/suggestions 提出积极的建议;have some~ideas on sth 对某事有积极的想法;be~in dealing with the problem 积极地解决问题;give sb~advice as to how to do sth 对如何做某事提出建设性的意见;〖同〗practical,constructive,useful,helpful,beneficial; 〖反〗negative,useless; 2)有信心的,乐观的 (showing confidence and optimism about the future): take a more~attitute to life 对生活抱有更为乐观的态度;a~view of one's future 对自己的未来充满信心;a~feeling 乐观的感觉(态度);What we need is~thinking! 我们所需要的是信心十足!〖同〗optimistic,progressive; 〖反〗negative;

(4)完全(绝对)的 (absolute; complete; thorough) [无comp][作attrib] (infml): That man is a~fool/idiot/nuisane/liar. 那个人简直是一个傻瓜/白痴/讨厌的家伙/谎话大王。It is a~disgrace/delight/crime to do ... 做……简直是耻辱/乐趣/犯罪。It was a~miracle that they won the game. 他们赢了比赛简直是个奇迹。find cooking a~pleasure 发现烹饪完全是一种享受;〖同〗real, absolute, complete, total;

(5)(指(医学)实验的结果)呈阳性反应的 ((of the results of a (medical) test or an experiment) indicating that a substance is present; showing signs of disease): a~reaction/result 阳性反应/结果;a~pregnancy test 呈阳性反应的怀孕检测;The blood test was~and you'll need to have an operation. 验血结果为阳性,你得做手术。〖反〗negative;

(6)(指数或量)正的,大于零的 ((of a number or quantity) greater than zero) [无comp]: a~number/amount/quantity 正数/量/量;the~sign 正号 (即“+”号);〖反〗negative;

(7)趋于增加(改善)的,积极的 (tending towards increase or improvement): P~progress has been achieved during the negotiations. 谈判已经取得了积极的进展。~developments in international relations 国际关系的良好发展;~discrimination (尤指就业政策中有意偏向于下层社会群体的)积极的区别对待;a~upturn in the stock market 股票市场看好;

(8)正电极的 (of or for the kind of electricity produced by rubbing glass with silk) [无comp]: a~charge 正电荷;~pole (电池,磁铁等的)正极;the~end of a battery 电池的正极;In an electrical circuit, electrons flow to the~terminal. 在电路中,电子流向正极。〖反〗negative;

(9)(相片)正片的 ((of a photograph) showing light and dark as in nature but not the other way round) [无comp]: a~image 正影象;〖反〗negative;

(10)(形容词或副词)原级的 ((of an adjective or adverb) showing a form that is not the comparative or superlative) [无comp] (gram): The~form of better and best is good. better和best的原级形式是good。

→′positively adv 绝对地;断然(确定)地;′positiveness n绝对;断然;肯定;

n(1)(形容词或副词的)原级 (positive form of an adjective or adverb) [C](gram): The~of worst is bad. worst的原级是bad。

(2)(相片)正片 (positive photograph) [C];

(3)正量(数) (quantity that is greater than zero) [C]: Twenty is a~. 20是一个正数。〖反〗negative;






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