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单词 poor
poor/pɔ:(r), pʊ ə(r), AmE pɔ:r, pʊr/ adj [-er/rə/,-est/rɪst/]

(1)贫穷(困)的 (having very little money and therefore a low standard of living): a~student/family/neighbourhood 穷学生/贫困家庭/穷人住的街区;the~er countries of the world 世界上较贫穷的国家;too~to buy a new coat/afford the carfare 太穷了买不起新衣服/付不起车票;the~穷人;〖同〗penniless; 〖反〗rich,wealthy;

(2)贫乏(稀少,不足,贫瘠)的 (not enough in amount) [作pred][A (in)]: a country~in natural resources/minerals 缺乏自然资源/矿产的国家;soil~in nutrients 贫瘠的土壤;a~wage/harvest 微薄的工资/欠收;The farmlands were too~to produce crops. 这些农田土质太贫瘠不长庄稼。〖同〗bare,unproductive; 〖反〗rich,fertile,productive,fruitful;

(3) 1)不好;不如预期的好 (not good; not up to expectation): a~crop of strawberries/return on one's investment/imitation of the real thing 长势不好的草莓/回报不足的投资/与实物相去甚远的模仿;(attendance at the concert/meeting) be very~(听音乐会/参加会议的人)不多; 2)差劲的,不好的,蹩脚的 (much below the usual standard; low in quality):~food/light/soil/weather/examination results 差劲的食物/昏暗的光线/贫瘠的土壤/恶劣的天气/不好的考试成绩;in~health 身体不好;(sb's remarks) be in a very~taste (某人的话) 很不得体;His work is very~. 他的工作很差劲。a party's~performance in the election 一个政党在大选中表现欠佳;Watching the event on television was a~substitute for actually being there. 在电视上看比赛不如亲临赛场去看。come a~second 与第一名差距甚大的第二名;(getting second prize) be~consolation for all sb's hard work (拿到二等奖)对某人付出的辛苦算不上什么安慰;〖同〗 inferior,inadequate; 〖反〗good,worthy,superior,excellent; 3)(指人)不擅长做某事的 ((of people) not good or skilled at sth): a~judge of character 不善于判断性格的人;a~loser/sailor/speaker/cook/swimmer 输不起的人/爱晕船的人/口才不佳的发言者/手艺不好的厨师/不谙水性的游泳者;

(4)可怜(不幸)的(deserving pity or sympathy; unlucky)[无comp][作 attrib](尤 infml): The~little puppy was abandoned. 那可怜的小狗被遗弃了。The~old man lost both his sons in the war. 那不幸老人的两个儿子都在战争中死去了。P~Mary has lost her job again. 可怜的玛丽又丢了工作。P~fellow! 可怜的家伙!P~chap, his wife has just died. 可怜的家伙,他的老婆刚刚去世。〖同〗pitiable,unfortunate,unlucky;

(5) 1)可鄙(卑劣)的 (deserving contempt; not respected because of lack of ability or character) [无comp] [作attrib](derog): a~creature 卑劣的人;his~attempts to be witty 想显得很聪明的拙劣企图; 2)不重要(浅薄)的 (of little worth; humble) [无comp] [作 attrib](尤joc): in my~opinion 依鄙人之见;

poor relation 同类中最差的人或物: Students at Oxford or Cambridge universities usually regard their fellow students at other universities as~relations. 牛津大学和剑桥大学的学生一般都把其他大学的学生看成下等的学生。

→′poorly adv 拙劣(蹩脚)地;adj 生病的,健康欠佳的;′poorness n 拙劣;蹩脚;贫乏;′poor-′spirited adj 胆怯(懦弱)的;′poor-box n 教堂里的济贫捐款箱,施舍箱;′poor-house n 贫民所,济贫院





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