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单词 pop
pop1/pɒp, AmE pɑ:p/ n & adv; v [-pp-]

n (1)短促的爆破声,砰的一声 (short loud explosive sound) [C]: There was a loud~when the balloon burst. 气球爆破时发出砰的响声。burst with a loud~砰的一声爆裂了;〖同〗explosion,bang,report,crack,burst;

(2)(尤指不含酒精的)加气饮料,汽水 (sweet drink containing a harmless gas) [U] (infml): a bottle of~一瓶汽水;I love cherry~. 我喜欢樱桃汽水。ginger~姜汁啤酒;

→′popcorn n 爆玉米花;′pop-eyed adj 眼睛凸出的;因吃惊而睁大眼睛的;′popgun n 玩具气枪;

adv 砰的一声 (with a popping sound): When he opened the bottle it went~. 他打开瓶子时,砰地响了一声。(cork) come out~(软木塞)砰的一声开出来;

v (1)发出砰的一声 (make a short loud explosive sound) [I I+adv]: The cork/bottle stopper~ped when she pulled it out. 她把软木塞/瓶塞拔出来时,砰地响了一声。The paper bag/balloon~ped. 纸袋/气球砰的一声爆裂了。(champagne corks)~(away) on all sides 到处都是(打开香槟酒瓶塞的)砰砰声;The fire-crackers~ped in bunches. 串串鞭炮噼噼啪啪地炸响。〖同〗explode,burst;bang;

(2)使砰的一声爆裂(cause sth to burst with a short loud explosive sound) [T+n]: blow the bag up and then~it between one's hands 把袋子吹起来,然后用两手把它砰的一声挤爆;The boys~ped all the balloons. 孩子们把所有的气球都砰砰地弄爆了。

(3)爆(玉米花) (dry (corn) until it bursts open and puffs up) [T+n] (AmE):~maize 爆玉米花;

(4)(向目标)射击 (fire a gun (at sth)) [I+adv(away/off)]:~away at rabbits 用枪打兔子;Go and~your guns off in the garden, not in the house. 到花园放枪去,别在屋子里放。

(5)抵押,典当(leave (sth of value) as a promise for money borrowed) [T+n] (BrE)(infml): (medical student)~one's microscope to pay one's rent (医学院的学生)典当自己的显微镜来付房租;

pop the question 求婚(infml): Anne was upset because her boyfriend wouldn't~the question. 安妮心烦意乱,因为她的男朋友不向她求婚。

pop across down out etc (v adv/prep) 急匆匆地来(去等),突然朝某个方向走来(去等)(vi & vt): P~across (the road) to the shop and bring me a packet of tea, will you? 快到(马路对面的)店里帮我买一包茶叶好吗?~out for a breath of fresh air 出去透透新鲜空气;

pop sth in into out of etc sth 将……投入(伸进,探出等) ……:~a letter in the post/the tart into the oven/one's head out of the window 将信投入信筒/将果馅饼放入烤箱/将头探出窗外;

pop in (v adv) 1) 到某人家中小坐(vi): Will you~in and see me sometime? 找个时间来看看我好吗?2) 顺路寄(送)(vt): I'll~the books in on my way home. 我会在回家的路上顺便把书送来。

pop off (v adv) 死 (vi)(infml): If you don't take care of your heart, you might~off sooner than you think. 如果不注意自己的心脏,你会比自己想象的死得要快。

pop out (of) (v adv) 突然探(鼓)出来(vi): The window opened and a head~ped out. 窗户开了,探出一个头来。She looked so surprised, her eyes nearly~ped out of her head. 她看上去很吃惊,眼睛都快鼓出来了。

pop up (v adv) 意外地突然出现(发生) (vi) (infml): He always~s up when he's least expected. 他总是出其不意地出现。

→′pop-up adj (书页)打开书后呈立体状的;(烤面包器)面包烤好后能自动弹起的





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