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单词 pound
pound2/paʊnd/ v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1)捣碎,舂烂 (crush or beat sth into a soft mass or powder by striking repeatedly with a heavy object) [T+n T+n+prep(to/into)]:~crystals/grain/a block of salt (to/into a fine power) 将晶体/谷粒/一块盐捣碎(成细粉);~the meat/garlic to a paste 将肉捣成肉泥/大蒜捣成蒜泥;a ship~ed to pieces against the rocks 在岩石上撞碎的船;~the dried bread into crumbs 将干面包捣成碎屑;〖同〗crush, grind;

(2)捶,揍,打,猛击(hit or strike heavily) [I+prep (at/against/on), I+adv(away), T+n]:~at the door 砰砰地敲门;(stormy waves)~against the rocks (惊涛骇浪)拍打着岩石;~on the piano使劲弹钢琴;~one's feet on the floor 在地上跺脚;~down the stairs 咚咚地走下楼;the sound of feet~ing on the stairs 脚踏在楼梯上的声音;~the table angrily with one's fist 生气地用拳头捶桌子;(heavy guns)~(away at) the walls of the fort 重炮(不断地)打在城堡的墙上;The boxer~ed his opponent. 拳击手猛击对手。~the beat (尤指警察)定期徒步巡逻所负责的地区;〖同〗strike,hammer,beat;

(3)(指心脏)剧烈地跳动 ((of the heart) beat heavily) [I I+prep(with)]: When I stopped running, my heart was~ing. 当我停下不跑时,心砰砰地跳。a heart~ing with fear 由于恐惧而剧烈跳动的心脏;feel one's heart~ing against one's chest 感到心在胸腔里剧烈地跳动;〖同〗beat;

pound along/down/up/etc (v prep) 脚步沉重地向……走或跑(vt): We could hear elephants~ing along the forest path. 我们可以听到大象脚步沉重地走过林中的小路。Don't~up the stairs! 别跺着脚上楼!

【辨异】pound2 beathitthrashstrike的区别见BEAT。





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