释义 |
沽名钓誉gū míng diào yùangle for praise (/fame/honours/compliments/reputation); fish for praise and reputation ❍ 倘或我只顾~,那时酒醉赌输,再生出事来,我怎么见姨娘?(《红楼梦》715) If all I cared about was my own reputation while other people made trouble drinking or gambling,how could I face my aunt?/这不是由于他们的个人的革命狂热或~,而是由于他们对于社会发展的科学的了解和高度自觉。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》41)This does not stem from any revolutionary fanaticism or hunger for fame but from their scientific understanding of social development and their deep political consciousness. ❍ 或如宝钗辈有时见机劝导,反生起气来,只说:“好好的一个清净洁白女子,也学的钓名沽誉,入了国贼禄鬼之流!”(《红楼梦》431)When Baochai or any of the others advised against this it only angered him. Imagine a pure,innocent girl joining the ranks of time-servers and place-seekers,who set store by reputation. ❍ 可知那些死的,都是~,并不知君臣的大义。(《红楼梦》438) So,you see,they die to win a reputation,not for the sake of noble principles. 沽名钓誉gu ming diao yufish for fame and compliments 沽名钓誉seek(or fish for)fame and reputation 沽名钓誉ɡū mínɡ diào yù沽:买;钓:骗取。故意做作或用某种手段来骗取名誉。fish for fame and compliments, seek fame, chase fame, court publicity, ego trip |