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单词 fly
fly/flaɪ/ n [-yies]; v [-yies /z/;flew /flu:/,flown /flǝ ʊn, AmE floʊn/]

n (1) 苍蝇(type of small winged insect) [C]:the~ies that buzzed around the dead bodies 围在死尸周围嗡嗡作响的苍蝇;flap/swat~ies 拍/打苍蝇;die/fall/drop like flies 大量死亡;a~on the wheel 自高自大的人;(there are) no flies on sb 某人很聪明(不会上当的);not harm/hurt a~本性善良;a~on the wall 隐身人;

(2) 饵(假)蝇(fishhook made to look like such an insectas by attaching bits of feathers) [C]:Which~should I use to catch a trout? 我应该用哪种饵蝇捕鲑鱼?

(3) (任何类型的)飞虫(any of various winged insects) [C](用于构成合成词):butterfly 蝴蝶;dragonfly 蜻蜓;

a/the fly in the ointment 美中不足:I enjoy my job — the~in the ointment is that I should start early in the morning. 我喜欢我的工作,但美中不足的是我早晨要早起。

→ ′fly-blown adj 生蛆的;腐坏的;′flycatcher n 在空中捕食飞虫的鸟类;′fly-fish v 用假蝇作饵钓鱼;′fly-fishing n 用假饵蝇钓鱼;′fly-paper n 粘蝇纸;′fly-spray n 灭蝇喷雾剂;′flyweight n 特轻量级摔跤(拳击)手;

v (1) (指鸟)飞(翔)((of a birdetc) move through the airwith the aid of wings or winglike parts) [II+prepI+adv]:learn to~学飞;A gull flew across the sky. 一只海鸥从空中飞过。(canary/bird)~away/south (金丝雀/鸟)飞走了/飞向南方;(bee/moth)~in through the window(蜜蜂/飞蛾)从窗户飞进来;

(2) 1) 飞(航)行((of an aeroplane) move through the air) [II+prepI+adv]:An aircraft is~ing. 一架飞机正在飞行。A plane flew over my house/on only one engine. 一架飞机从我家上空飞过/仅靠一台发动机在飞行。The new airplane~ies low at twice the speed of sound/at an altitude of 500 metres. 这架新近制成的飞机,以比声速快一倍的速度低空飞行/飞行在500米的高度上。〖同〗wing,glide,sail,coast;2) 乘飞机旅行(travel through air or space in an aircraft or spacecraft) [II+prepI+advT+n]:~in a jet 乘喷气式飞机旅行;~from London to Paris 乘飞机从伦敦到巴黎;~(out) to Beijing 坐飞机去北京;~British Airways 乘英航飞机旅行;

(3) 1) 驾驶(飞机)(control the flights movement in the air) [T+n]:(pilot)~a large passenger aircraft(a plane)across the North sea/over the Alps (飞行员)驾驶大型客机(飞机)飞过北海/阿尔卑斯山;take up~ing 从事开飞机的职业; 2) 飞越 (travel over) [T+n]:~the Atlantic/the Pacific飞越大西洋/太平洋; 3) 空运 (carry or transport by air) [T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~bombs during the war 战争期间空运炸弹;~supplies/more than a million people/tons of freight to France (to a city/into the airport) 空运供需品/100多万人/成吨的货物到法国(一座城市/机场);Exotic fruits were specially flown in for the occasion. 为了庆典的需要,特地从国外空运水果。

(4) 1) (时间)飞逝((of time) move or go by very quickly) [II+adv]:Time~ies. 时光飞逝。The days really flew during our vocation. 假期里,日子过得的确很快。The days/summer flew past (by). 日子/夏天飞快地过去了。2) 疾行(驰)(go or pass quickly) [II+prepI+adv]:You'll have to~if you want to catch the next train. 如果你要赶下一趟火车,就得快走。The train/ship~ies past the station/before the wind. 火车急速驰过车站/船顺风快速航行。~upstairs/down the road/in all direction 飞奔上楼/沿路向前飞跑/朝各个方向飞奔; 3) 突然快速地移动(move or go by suddenly and swiftly) [L+adjI+prepI+adv]:give the door a kick and it flew open 朝门踢了一脚,门一下子就开了;She flew to the door/from the room. 她朝门口飞快地跑去/从房间里猛地冲出来。

(5) 飘扬(舞) (wave or flap in the air) [I+prepI+adv]:(flag)~from the flagpole/from the ship's mast/in the breeze (旗子)在旗杆/船的桅杆上/微风中飘扬;Her hair/The leaves were~ing about. 她的头发飘逸着/树叶到处飞扬。〖同〗wave;float;

(6) 逃逸(跑) (run away from) [IT+n]:~from the emperor's wrath 逃脱皇帝的惩罚;~the country 逃往国外;〖同〗flee;run away;

fly in the face of sth 违背:He flew in the face of public opinion. 他不顾舆论而蛮干。

fly into a passion/a rage/a temper 发怒:The child flew into a passion/a rage/a temper when she was told that she could not watch TV. 这孩子听说不许她看电视时,大发脾气。

fly off the handle 狂怒:He flew off the handle when he heard that the boys had raided his garden again. 当听到那些男孩又侵入他的花园时,他勃然大怒。

let fly at 斥责:She let~at him for being late again. 她斥责他又迟到了。

fly at (v prep) 攻击 (vt):The cat flew at the mouse. 猫扑向老鼠。

→ ′flier n 飞行者;′fly-away adj (头发)稀疏的;′fly-by n 低空编队飞行;′fly-by-night n 逃债的人;不可靠的人;adj 不可靠的;′fly-half n (橄榄球)外侧前卫;′fly-past n 编队低空飞行





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