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单词 flower
flower/′flaʊ ǝ(r)/ nvi [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)花(part of a seed-bearing plant that contains the organs of reproduction and that produces seeds) [C]:a brilliant purple/pink~鲜艳的紫色/粉色花;The hawthorn has white~s in June. 山楂树在6月开白花;among the~s 花丛中;〖同〗blossom,bloom;

(2) 花卉(plant which is grown for its flowers) [C]:grow/plant~s on the banks 在堤岸上种花;Her garden has many~s but no vegetables. 她的庭园里种了许多花,但没种蔬菜。

(3) 精华(英) (best example or representative of sth) [Uthe~][N (of)]:the~of one's generation/the nation's youth 同代人中/该国青年中的精英;in the~of sb's strength/sb's maturity 某人年轻力壮/某人最成熟的时期;the~of sb's achievements 某人成就中的精华部分;〖同〗best,pick;

be in flower开着花:That garden will look beautiful when all the plants are in~. 当鲜花盛开之时,那座花园看上去会很美。

come into flower开花:Plants come up,come into~,then go to seed. 植物发芽、开花、结果。

→ ′flowery adj 多花的,绚丽的;′flowerless adj 无花的,不开花的;′flower-bed n 花坛;′flower-girl n 卖花女;′flowerpot n 花盆;′flower-show n 花展;

vi (1) 开花(produce flowers as a plant;come to full bloom) [I]:Peonies/Cherry trees/Roses~in spring. 牡丹/樱桃树/玫瑰在春季开花。~ing plants 开花植物;〖同〗bloom,blossom,open,bud;

(2) 成熟,繁荣(mature;reach the best state of development) [I]:Kate's writing ability/artistic talent~ed when she was in her forties. 凯特40几岁时,她的写作能力/艺术才能达到了成熟阶段。〖同〗mature,prosper;

→ ′flowering n 成熟;鼎盛





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