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单词 flourish
flourish/′flʌrɪ ⨜/ v [-es / ɪz/];n [-es / ɪz/]

v (1) 挥动(舞) (hold or wave sth as a show) [T+n]:~a letter of complaint/one's sword angrily 气愤地挥动着一封投诉信/一把剑;~a baton 挥动指挥棒;~one's flags before the cheering crowd/as the procession passed by 在欢呼的人群前/当队伍走过时挥舞着旗子;〖同〗swing,shake,sweep;

(2) (生意)兴隆,繁荣(be active or successfulor develop quickly and strongly) [I]:Painting~ed in Italy in the fifteenth century. 15世纪意大利的绘画艺术十分繁荣。a~ing lawyer's practice/bank/newspaper business/dry-cleaning business 兴旺发达的律师行业/银行业/报业/干洗店;~ing industries 兴旺的各行各业;〖同〗prosper,thrive,grow,succeed,bloom;〖反〗decline,fail,fade;

(3) 健康(茁壮)成长(be healthy;grow well) [I]:I hope the children/all the family are~ing. 我希望孩子们/全家人都安康。Crops/Most flowers/My plants are~ing in rich soil/full sunlight. 农作物/大部分花/我种的植物在肥沃的土壤里/充足的阳光下长得很茂盛。He is~ing in his new job. 那份新工作他干得很好。〖同〗bloom,blossom,flower;

(4) (文化艺术)处于繁荣时期;(人或思想)走红,盛行((of artpeople or ideas) be activewellsuccessful (at the time mentioned)) [II+prep]:Impressionism/Learning/The baroque style of art~ed in the century. 印象主义/知识/巴罗克的艺术风格在那个世纪最为盛行。a period in which art~ed 文化艺术繁荣时期;(sb)~ed in the early 18th century (某人)在18世纪早期享有盛名;

n (1) 挥舞(动) (impressivesweeping movement (with the hand or sth held in it)) [C,通常sing]:send everyone out of the room with a~of one's hand 挥手让每个人离开房间;a~of swords and bayonets 挥舞着剑和刺刀;He bowed and made a~with his hat. 他鞠了一躬,然后挥了挥他的帽子。〖同〗waving,shaking;

(2) 花体字(decoration in writing) [C,通常sing]:sign the Declaration of Independence with a~用花体字在《独立宣言》上签字;His writing was full of~es. 他的书写如飞龙走凤。〖同〗curl,decoration,turn;

(3) 简短嘹亮的音乐(short exciting piece of loud music) [C]:a~of trumpets/horns 一阵嘹亮的小号声/号声;enter the hall with a great~伴随着嘹亮的乐曲走进大厅





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