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单词 foot
foot1/fʊt/ n feet/fi:t/,(5) 亦作foot

(1) 脚,足(lowest part of the legthat rests on or touches the groundflooretc) [C]:rise hurriedly to one's feet 急忙站起身来;hurt one's left~伤了左脚;Each human~has five toes. 人的每只脚有五个脚趾。drop sth on sb's right~把某物掉在了某人的右脚上;a~switch/pump/brake 脚踏开关/踏气筒/蹬闸;have a~in both camps 脚踩两只船;keep one's feet 站稳;

(2) 脚步(step walking or running motion) [U](旧用法):walk with heavy/light~迈着沉重/轻快的脚步;fleet of~健步如飞;on~步行;

(3) 袜(靴)子的足部(part of a sockbootetc which covers the foot) [C,通常sing]:the~of a stocking/a boot 袜/靴的足部;

(4) 1) 底部,下端(lower part of anything) [Uthe~][N (of)]:at the~of the mountain/the hill/the wall 在山/山丘/墙脚下;at the~of the lamp/the page/the statue/the stairs 在灯的底端/一页的底端/雕像的底端/楼梯最下面的一级;〖同〗 base,foundation,bottom; 2) 尾端(end opposite the head in position) [Uthe~][N (of)]:write a notice at the~of a column 在专栏的末端写了一个通知;lay some flowers at the~of one's friend's grave 在朋友坟前放一些花;  

(5) (长度单位)英尺(unit of length equal to 12 inches) [C](infml) (缩写ft):He's five feet tall 他身高五英尺。a four-~wall 四英尺高的墙;fly at 35,000 feet 在3.5万英尺的高度飞行;ten feet tall自鸣得意;

be on one's feet 站着:He's been on his feet all day and he's very tired. 他站了一整天,感到非常累。

fall/land on one's feet 脱离困境:He was dismissed from his job last year,but he really fell on his feet — he's now doing the same job for someone else at a higher salary. 去年他被解雇了,但他时来运转,现在又在别处做同样的工作,而且薪水比以前高。

on one's feet 痊愈:She's on her feet at last after a long attack of flu. 她患感冒好长时间,最终痊愈了。

put one's foot down 坚决反对:He wanted to go to Spain,but I put my~down and refused to let him go. 他想去西班牙,但我坚决反对,不让他去。

put a foot wrong 犯错:She hasn't put a~wrong since she started the job. 自从她工作以来,一直没出过错。

stand on one's own (two) feet 自食其力:After his father died,John had to stand on his own feet and earn his own living. 父亲死后,约翰只得自食其力,养活自己。

→ -footer adj (构成合成词)……尺长(高)的;͵foot-and-′mouth n 鹅口疮;′football n 足球;橄榄球;足球比赛(运动);′footballer n 足球(橄榄球)运动员;′foot-bridge n 人行桥,天桥;′footfall n 脚步声;′foothill n 山麓小丘;′foothold n 立足点;稳固的地位;′footlights n 脚灯;′footloose adj 自由自在的;′footman n 男服务员;′footprint n 脚印,足迹;′footsore adj 脚痛的;′footstep n 脚步声,足迹;步度;′footstool n 脚凳;′footwear n 鞋,靴;′footwork n 步(脚)法;′bare-footed adj 赤脚的;′flat-footed adj 扁平足的





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