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单词 fool
fool/fu:l/ n & v adj [无comp

n (1) 傻瓜,蠢(stupidsilly or thoughtless person) [C](derog):be a~to bother about sb/to believe sb 为某人操心/相信某人真是一个傻瓜;She was sharp-witted and no~. 她很聪明,一点也不傻。be~enough to do sth 做某事真是太傻了;April Fool 愚人节时受愚弄的人;April Fool's Day 愚人节;

(2) (供取乐的)小丑(person employed by kingsnoblesetc to amuse them) [C](fml):The king relied on his~for wise counsel. 国王靠他的弄臣提供有见解的报告。

be no fool (= be nobody's fool) 不轻易上当:She was nobody's~and refused to pay such a price for the dress. 她是不会轻易上当的,因此不肯以这样的价钱买那件衣服。

act/play the fool 瞎胡闹:He loves playing the~with his grandchildren. 他喜欢和他的孙儿们打闹。

make a fool of oneself 出洋相,干蠢事:He had never learned to dance and was not prepared to make a~of himself. 他从未学过跳舞,不准备出洋相。

make a fool of sb 捉弄;欺骗:Mary's classmates made a~of her by telling her the party was to be a masquerade. 玛丽的同学们捉弄她,告诉她晚会是化装舞会。

→′foolish adj;

v (1) 1) 做蠢事(act like a fool or playfully) [II+adv (about/around)]:Every time I see him, he seems to be~ing. 每次我见到他时,他似乎都在做傻事。Don't~around(about) with that gun/that knife. 别瞎摆弄那枝枪/那把刀。2) 开玩笑(joke;be not serious) [I]: I'm not~ing;I'm serious. 我不是在开玩笑,我是认真的。~with sb's affections 玩弄某人的感情;

(2) 欺骗(deceive or cheat sb) [T+n]:~sb with one's story/one's false promises/one's fancy talk 用故事/虚伪的许诺/空谈欺骗某人;~sb out of his money 骗取某人的钱;~sb into believing 骗取某人相信……;〖同〗cheat,deceive;

fool about/around (v adv)无所事事(vi):Stop~ing about/around and do sth useful. 别整天无所事事,做一点有用的事情。

adj 愚蠢的(foolishstupid) [作attrib][无comp](infml):some~kids 一些愚蠢的孩子:a~trick 愚蠢花招





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