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单词 lay
释义 lay1 /lei; le/ vt, vi (pt, pp laid) /leid; led/ For uses with adverbial particles and preps 12 below. 与副词接语和乔词连用之用法,参看下列第 12 义。 1 [VP6A, 15A] put on a surface; put in a certain position, in the proper place for a purpose: 置放; 铺设; 装于适当检置: who will lay the carpet, spread it out, fasten it down, etc? 谁将铺设蔚毯? He laid his hand on my shoulder. 他把他的手放在我的肩上。 A new submarine cable was laid between England and Holland. 英国至荷兰间铺设了新的海底电霞。 The woodcutter laid hi axe to the tree, began to chop. 那砍柴者举斧砍枫。 A bricklayer is a man who lays bricks. 碑瓦隹即砌砖之人。 lay a snare/ trap/an ambush (for sb/sth), prepare one. (为…) 设陷阱 (埋伏) 。 2 [VP6A, 15B] (of nonmaterial things, and fig uses) place; put. (指非物质事物及比喻用法) 安放。 (one's) hands on sth/ sb, a seize; get possession of: 攫取; 占有: He keeps everything he can lay (his) hands on. 他占有每一样能得到手的东西。 b do violence to: 对 … 行凶; 伤害 How dare you lay hands on me? 你怎成向我动手? He laid violent hands on himself, (dated) tried to commit suicide. (过时用语) 他企图百杀。 c find: 寻获 : / have the book somewhere, but can't lay my hands on it just now. 我是有那本书,不知摆在什么地方,现在就是找不到。 d (eccles) confirm; ordain; consecrate. (教会) 施坚信礼; 行按手礼 (立为牧师、神父或其他神职人员) 。 Hence, 由此产生, laying-on of hands, confirmation; ordination; consecration. 坚信礼; 按手礼。 lay the blame (for sth) on sb, say that he is responsible for what is wrong, etc. 商咎于某人。 lay a (heavy) burden on sb, cause sb to be responsible for sth likely to be difficult, to cause suffering, etc. 使负 (艰苦) 重责。 /ay one's hopes on, = pin (the more usu word) one's hopes on. lay a strict injunction on sb (to do sth), give him strict orders (to do it). 予以严格命令; 强制。 lay great/little store by/ on sth, value very much/little. (不) 重视。 lay stress/emphasis/weight on sth, treat it as important; emphasize it. 认为重要; 强调某事之重要。 lay a tax on sth, impose one. 加税于。 3 [VP15A] cause to be in a certain state, condition, or situation. 使处于某种状态, 状况或情势。 lay sb to rest, (esp) bury sb: (尤指) 埋靠亲人: He was laid to rest in the churchyard. 他被葬于教堂之墓地。 lay sb under a/the necessity / obligation, make it necessary or obligatory for him (to do sth): 使某人 (对某事物) 有义务 Your conduct lays me under the necessity of dismissing you. 你的行为使我必须解除你的职务。 He was laid under an obligation to support the wife he had deserted. 他必须赡养被他遗弃的妻子。 lgY sb under contribution, compel him to contribute money, etc. 强迫某人捐献金钱等。 lay sth to sb's charge, hold him responsible. 委过于某人。 /y claim to sth. → claim, lay sth at sb's door, → door, lay one's finger on. finger, lay siege to. nsiege. 4 [VP22] (lay 4- n, adj or adv phrases) cause to be in a specified condition. (与名词,形容词或副词片语连用) 使处于某指明的状态。 lay sth bare, show; reveal: 显示; 表露: lay bare one's heart, reveal one's inmost feelings, etc. 表明心曲。 lay sth flat, cause to be flat: 使倒下: crops laid flat by heavy rainstorms. 被暴雨应倒的丘物。 lay sth open, a expose, reveal: 显示; 揭露: / 时 open a plot. 揭露一阴谋。 b cut, gash: 剌伤; 割伤: lay open one's cheek, eg by falling and striking it against a rock. 使面颊受伤 (例如跌倒撞在一岩石上) 。 lay oneself open to sth. render oneself liable to criticism, calumny, etc. 使自己易受 (批评,毁谤等) 。 lay sth waste, ravage, destroy: 蹂蹒; 破坏: a countryside laid waste by invading armies. 被入侵敌军夷为平地的乡间一地区。 5 [VP6A] cause to be down, settle: 使倒下; 使降落: sprinkle water on the roads to lay the dust. 洒水在路上不使尘土飞扬。 lay sb's doubts, get rid of them, allay, the more usu word. 消除某人的疑惑 (allay 较常用) 。 lay a ghost / spirit, expel or exorcize it; cause it to stop appearing to people. 驱除鬼魂。 6 [VP6A, 2A] (of birds and insects) produce (eggs): (指鸟与昆虫 j 产 (卵): Are your hens laying yet? 标那些母鸡下蛋了吨? How many eggs does this hen lay each week? 这只母鸡一星期下多少个蛋? New laid eggs, 5p each. 新鲜鸡蛋, 五便士一个。 7 [VP15A] (usu passive) set (a story, etc) in time and place: (AM用被动语态)为(故事等)安排时间和地点: The scene is laid in Athens, in the third century BC. 背景是纪 / 元前三世纪的雅典。 8 [VP6A] place or arrange by laying (ready for use, etc): 布置(以备使用): lay the table (for breakfast), put .out plates, knives, etc; 摆设养凡(准备吃早餐); lay the cloth, spread it on the table ready for a meal; 铺餐桌布; lay a fire, put wood, coal, etc in a fireplace, ready for lighting. 准备生火。 9 [VP6A, 12C, 14] put down (a sum of money) as a wager or stake (on sth of which the result is uncertain); offer as a bet: 下(若干钱)作为赌注; 打赌: They laid a wager on the result of the race. 他们以竞赛的结果打赌。 I'll lay you £5 that he won't come. 我愿和你赌五镑,他不会来。 I'll lay make) you a bet that.... 我和你打赌…。 10 [VP6A, 15A] cover; coat: 覆盖; 覆以一宿: carper on the floor/lay the floor with carpet; 将地毯铺于地板上; lay straw over the yard/lay the yard with straw; 将稻草铺在院中; lay colours on canvas. 涂颜料于画而上。少 lay on at 12 below. 参看下列第 12 义之 lay on。 11 [VP6A] (sl) have sexual intercourse with. (U)和…发生肉体关系。 12 [VP2C, 3A, 15B] (uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的用法): lay about one (with sth), hit out in all directions: 向四周挥打 When they rushed at him, Harry laid about him with his big stick. 当他们商他冲主时,哈利用他的大手杖向四周挥打。 lay sth aside, a save; keep for future use: 储蓄(以备将来之用): lay aside money for one's old age. 爵蓄金钱以备老年之需。 b put down: 放下: He laid his book aside to listen to me. 他放下书听我说话。 c abandon; give up: 抛弃; 放弃: lay aside bad habits. 革除恶习。 lay sth back, turn back: 使向后: The horse laid back its ears. 那马将耳朵伸向后面。 lay sth by, → lay sth aside a . lay sb/oneself down, place in a lying or recumbent position: 使亲下: Lay the baby down gently. 将套儿轻轻放下。 She laid herself down. 她躺下。 lay sth down, a pay or wager: 付(款); 卞(赌注): How much are you ready to lay down? 你准备赌(付) 多少? b (begin to) build: (开始)建筑: lay down a new ship. 开始造新船。 c convert (land) to pasture: 使(土地)变为牧场: lay down land in/to/with/under grass. 使土地瘟为草地。 d store (wine) in a cellar: 贮藏(酒)于酒畚: lay down claret and port. 贮藏红葡萄酒和紫葡萄酒。 lay sth down; lay it down that..., establish: 设立; 制定: You can't lay down hard and fast rules. 你不能制定严格的规则。 It was laid down that all applicants should sit a written examination. 根据规定, 所有申请人均应参加笔试。 These prices have been laid down by the manufacturers. 这些价格都是厂商规定的。 down one's arms, put one's weapons down as a sign of surrender. 放下武器投降。 lay down the law, say with (or as if with) authority what must be done. 独断地说; 命令似地说。 lay down one's life, sacrifice it: GU 星命 He laid down his life for his country. 他为国鹤躯。 lay down office, resign a position of authority. 罢官; 辞职。 lav sth in, provide oneself with a stock of: 贮备: lay in provisions/stores. 贮备粮食(货物)。 lay off, (colloq) (俗) a discontinue work or activity; rest: 停止工作或活动; 休息: The doctor told me to lay off for a week. 医生要我休息一星期。 b stop doing sth which irritates or annoys: 停止做惹人生气或烦恼之事: I hear you've been pestering my sister again— Well, you can just lay off. 我听说你又去纠缠我妹妹了 —— 哼, 你不可再去缠她了。 lay sb off, dismiss temporarily: 暂时解雇: lay off workmen, eg because of a shortage of materials. 将工人暂时解雇(例如由于原料之缺乏)。 Hence, 由此产生, 'lay-off n period during which men are temporarily dismissed. 工人被暂时解雇期间。 lay sth on, a supply gas, water, electricity to a building: 为建筑物接煤气、自来水、电: We can't occupy the new house until gas and water are laid on. 我们要等煤气和水接好始能移居新屋。 b (colloq) provide: (俗)准备: Sightseeing tours were laid on for the distinguished visitors from Poland. 为波兰来的贵宾安排了观光旅行。 lay it on (thick/with a trowel), use exaggerated praise, flattery, etc: 过份称赞; 过度奉承: To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick! 称他是天才是有点过份称赞了! lay sth out, a spread out ready for use or so as to be seen easily: 展开以便使用或易见: lay out one's evening clothes; 取出晚礼服以待穿; the magnificent scene that was laid out before the climbers when they reached the summit. 当爬山者到达山顶时呈现在他们眼前的壮丽的风景。 b prepare for burial: 准备埋葬: lay out a corpse. 准备一尸体以备埋葬。 c spend (money): 用(钱): lay out one's money carefully. 谨慎用钱。 d make a plan for; arrange: 计划; 养计: well laid-out streets and avenues; 设计良好的街道和马路; lay out a printed page. 设计一印刷版面。 Hence, 由此产生, 'lay-out n arrangement, plan, design of a printed page, an advertisement, a book, a group of buildings. 布置; 图样; (书,广吿,房屋等之)设计。 / ay oneself out (to do sth), exert oneself, take pains: 尽力(做某事): She laid herself out to make her guests comfortable. 她煞费苦心地款待她的客人。 lay over, (US) (os 英 =stop over) stop at a place during a journey because of a requirement in a schedule. (美)(因行程之需要)中途停留于某地。 lay over n such a stop. 中途停留。 lay sth up. a save; store: 贮藏: lay up provisions. 贮粮。 b ensure by what one does or fails to do that one will have trouble, etc in future: (所做所为)必将招惹麻烦等: You're only laying up trouble for yourself. 你简直是在为自己找麻烦嘛。 c put (a ship) out of commission: 使(船) 不被使用: lay a ship up for repairs. 将船拖入船坞修理。 lay sb up, (usu passive) force sb to stay in bed: (通常用被动语态)迫使某人卧床: He's laid up with a broken leg. 他因一腿折断而卧床。 The flu has laid him up for a few days. 流行性感冒使他床数日。




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