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单词 forbid
forbid/fǝ′bɪd, AmE fər′-/ v forbade/ fǝ′bæd, fǝ′beɪd , AmE fər′-/,forbidden /fǝ′bɪdn, AmE fər′-/]

(1) 1) 禁止(某人做某事) (command (sb) not to do sth) [T+ingD+n+nC+n+to-inf]:~seeing sb/talking with sb 禁止见某人/与某人交谈;~sb entry/access to the house 禁止某人进入那所房子;~sb to tell him/to stay out after midnight 不许某人告诉他/午夜后还呆在外面;It is forbidden for him to drink tea. 禁止他喝茶。〖同〗prohibit,prevent;〖反〗permit,allow,let;2) 禁止(某事) (command that sth must not be done) [T+nT+ing]:~the use of lipstick/photography/sb's marriage 禁止使用唇膏/拍照/某人结婚;forbidden customs/subjects 禁止的风俗/(谈论的)话题;~smoking during office hours 禁止办公期间吸烟;forbidden fruit 禁果;forbidden ground 禁区;不准讨论的题目等;

(2) 妨碍,阻止,(使)成为不可能(make an event or course of action impossible to happen) [T+n]:The weather~s all idea of a picnic. 在这样的天气里根本别想去野餐。The snowstorm~s air travel. 这样的暴风雪根本别想乘飞机旅行。Time~s my continuing. 时间根本不允许我继续下去。God/Heaven forbid (that) 但愿……不会发生;

→for′bidding adj 讨厌的;严峻的;for′biddingly adv 讨厌地;严峻地;

【辨异】forbidprohibit 都表示禁止做某事。forbid 是常用词,通常指直接的或个人的禁止,如:I forbid you to go. (我不许你去。) 再如:It was useless to forbid children to play in the park. (不许孩子们在公园里玩是没有益处的。) 而prohibit (禁止)是正式用语或法律用语,通常是官方的禁止,如:prohibit the sale of liquor (禁止销售烈性酒)。

【惯用法】forbid 作“禁止”讲时,常用的句型是forbid sb to do sth (禁止某人去做某事)而不说forbid sb from doing it。





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