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单词 flush
flush1/flʌ ⨜/ n & v

n (1) 脸红((heat and redness caused by a) rush of blood to the face) [Ua ~]:feel a hot~感到脸发红;have an unhealthy~有不健康的红润脸色;〖同〗 blush,bloom,redness; 2)兴奋,激动(sudden rise of emotion or excitement) [C,通常sing]:a~of success/victory 一阵成功/胜利的喜悦;a~of anger/insolence 愤怒/无礼;〖同〗 thrill,shock;

(2)冲水(洗) (sudden rush of wateresp to clear sth (that is blockedetc)) [Ua~]:give the floor/the toilet/the pipe a~将地板/便池/管道好好冲洗一下;~toilet 抽水马桶;

(3) 萌发,茂盛(sudden new fresh growing of plants) [Ua~]:The rain brings a~of greenness to the dry land. 雨水给干涸的土地带来一片葱绿。the first~of spring 大地回春;

in the first flush of youth 萌发青春活力:She was the most successful in the first~of her youth. 她在精力旺盛的青春时期取得了巨大成功。

v (1) 1) (指人脸)发红((of a person's face) become red with a rush of blood (because of sth)) [L+adjI]:~crimson with excitement/embarrassment 兴奋/尴尬得满脸绯红;Robert~ed. He glanced at me,horribly embarrassed. 罗伯特脸涨得通红,他看了我一眼,特别尴尬。2) 使(脸)发红((of sth) turn (the face) red;excite) [T+nI+adv(up)]:be~ed with resentment/joy/success 由于忿恨/喜悦/成功而涨红了脸;The child was~ed with fever. 由于高烧,孩子的脸通红。Anger~ed his cheeks. 气愤使他双颊通红。The girl~ed (up) for a moment when the man spoke to her. 当那个男人同她讲话时,姑娘感到脸颊发热。

(2) 1) (用水)冲洗(wash out (toilet or drain) by a sudden rush of water) [T+n]:~the lavatory/the toilet/the city's sewers 冲刷厕所/厕所/城市的下水道;Sewage and wastes are~ed into drain pipes. 污物都被冲进排水管道里。~through the pipes 冲洗管道;〖同〗wash out,flood; 2) (指便池、管道)被冲洗((of a toiletpipeetc) be cleaned in this way) [I]:The toilet is blocked,now it is~ing.便池堵了,现正在冲洗。~sth away/down/through 用水冲掉;

→ flushed adj 充满激情的;异常激动的





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