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单词 flock
flock/flɒk, AmE flɑ:k/ n & vi

n (1) 鸟(羊等)群(large number (of birdssheepetc) kept together or moving and feeding together) [CGp] [N (of)]:a~of geese/sheep/seagulls/starlings 一群鹅/羊/海鸥/欧椋鸟;have charge of~s (of sheep)and herds(of cattle) 负责羊群和牛群;Shepherds moved with their~s to lowland pastures. 牧羊人把羊群带到低地牧场去吃草。〖同〗herd,pack,group,swarm;

(2) 一大群的人(crowd;large number of people) [CGp]:A~of customers waited for the store to open. 一大群顾客等着商店开门。Visitors/Tourists came in~s to see the new bridge. 参观者/旅游者成群结队地来看新建的大桥。〖同〗crowd,gang,mob;

(3) 一群教徒(group of people under the leadership of one personesp the members of a church) [CGp]:He looked severely at the priest and his~. 他很严肃地看着牧师和他的教徒们。

vi 成群结队,群集(gather or go somewhere together in a group or crowd) [I+prepI+adv]:~around the Christmas tree/into the dining-room/into the stadium/to the museums/to the football match 蜂拥而至围在圣诞树周围/挤进饭厅/挤进运动场/来到博物馆/来看足球赛;~to see the treasures/the new film 成群结队地来观看珍宝/新电影;Birds of a feathertogether. (prov)物以类聚,人以群分。〖同〗gather,assemble,swarm,herd,crowd;

【注意】 flock 为集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词数的使用参见AUDIENCE。

【辨异】 flockherdpack 都是指“一群”动物,常有“被人照管、看护”的意思。flock 是常用词,通常指一群动物,特别是指羊、山羊和鸟群,如:This lamb is the choicest of the flock. (这只羔羊是这群羊中最好的一只。) herd (一群)通常指大的动物,如牛。原意是指在人的管理下,但也可引伸为与其他动物一起喂养和放牧的动物,如:ride herd (骑在马上看管牛群);pack (一群)指聚集在一起,一起进攻或防御的一群动物,如:a pack of wolves (一群狼);另外,指一群人时,常可用a flock of people,但如果用herd 或pack 指人时,则有轻蔑的意思。





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