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单词 fluid
fluid/′flu:ɪd/ adj & n

adj (1) 流体的;流动的(capable of flowing like a liquid):a~diet/substance 流食/流质;The waters of the lake remained~throughout the winter. 在整个冬天,湖水一直没有结冰。As it became warmer,the substance became more~. 天气转暖时,这种物质就变得更像液体了。〖同〗 liquid,watery;〖反〗solid, hard, firm;

(2) 易变的(changing readily;not fixed or stable) [通常作pred]:The situation/Our holiday plans/His opinion is (are) still~. 形势/我们的假期计划/他的某种观点变化不定。Keep your plans~until we decide what we're going to do. 在我们决定怎么办之前,你不要把计划定死。~living space/ideas/arrangements 不固定的生活空间/想法/安排;〖同〗 flexible,changeable,unstable,adjustable;〖反〗 fixed,settled;

(3) 动作优美的(changing readily;shifting;not fixedstableor rigid):the~movements of a dancer 一位舞蹈演员优美的动作;Her movements are very~. 她的动作非常优美。

→ ′fluidness n 流动性;′fluidly adv 流动地;易变地;flu′idity n 流动性;流动状态;

n 流体;液(substance such as liquid or gas that flows relatively easily) [CU]:cleaning/cooling~清洗液/冷却液;drink lots of~s 多喝水;All liquids and gases are~s. 所有的液体和气体都是流体;~ounce 液量盎司;〖同〗 liquid,solution;〖反〗 solid;

【辨异】 fluid liquid 都是指非固体。但fluid 适用于任何流动物体,不管是流态的,还是气态的,如:Pipes can carry fluids from place to place. (管道可以把流体从一个地方输送到另一个地方。) 而liquid 一般是指水、油、酒精等物质,它们既不是固体,也不是气体,如:Water ceases to be a liquid when it is frozen or turned to steam. (当水结冰或变成水蒸汽时,就再不是液体了。)





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