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单词 fog
fog/fɒɡ,AmE fɔ:ɡ, fɑ:ɡ/ nv [-gg-]

n (1) 雾(thick mass of very small water drops in the airesp near the surface of landwateretc which makes it difficult to see) [U]:dense~浓雾;drive slowly in~在雾中缓慢行驶;Around midday,the~lifted. 约正午时分,雾散了。When the~closed in,we couldn't see the top of the hill. 大雾降临时,我们看不到山顶。〖同〗mist;

(2) 一场浓雾(period or time of very thick mist) [C]:have heavy/bad~s on the coast in winter. 冬天这个海岸有大雾/浓雾;

(3) 雾气;烟雾(any cloud of materialsuch as dust or smoke that floats in the air) [C]:a dust~一片尘雾;a~of insecticide spray 杀虫剂的喷雾;patches of~成片的雾气;heavy/bad~s 大雾/浓雾;〖同〗smog;

(4) (照相底片上)模糊(hazy effect on a developed negative or positivecaused by improper handling during developmentetc) [CU];

in a fog 迷惑,困惑,不清楚:The mathematics lesson put me in a ~. 这堂数学课令我茫然。

→′foggy adj 下雾的;含糊的;′fog-bank n 雾堤;′fog-bound adj 陷于浓雾之中的;′fog-horn n 雾号;′fog-lamp n 雾灯;

v (1) 雾气笼罩,有雾气(cover or become covered with or as if with fog) [II+advT+nT+n+adv]:The car windows/windscreens are~ging up/over. 汽车玻璃/挡风玻璃上覆盖了一层雾气。Her glasses were~ged up with steam. 她的眼镜被水蒸汽蒙上一层雾气。(steam)~(up)sb's glasses/the bathroom mirror (蒸汽)使某人的眼镜/浴室里的镜子蒙上了一层雾气;(foul weather)~the port/the airport (坏天气)使港口/机场笼罩在雾中;〖反〗clear,brighten,purify;

(2) 1) 使困惑不解(bewilder or confuse) [T+n]:(problem)~the mind (这个问题)使人感到困惑;be~ged by sb's refusal/the instruction 被某人的拒绝/某项指令弄糊涂了;〖同〗bewilder,confuse;〖反〗clear,certain; 2) 使含糊,混乱(make uncertain or unclear;confuse) [T+n]:(alcohol/lack of sleep)~sb's mind (酗酒/睡眠不足)使某人头脑不清楚;〖同〗bewilder,confuse,obscure,cloud,darken;

(3) (使照片底片)变得模糊不清((cause a negative) to become affected by fog) [T+nI]:The light will~film. 光会使胶片变得模糊不清。

【辨异】 fogmisthaze都指由靠近地面及地面上方的水蒸汽形成的雾气。但它们各自所指的雾气的浓度不同。fog 雾气的浓度最浓。haze 是指薄雾。当天气非常热的时候,haze (雾气)也会产生,如:a heat-haze (热气)。还有smog (雾气)是指一种有害的烟和雾的混合气体,经常产生于工业城市。





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