释义 |
Elysium:(Gr. myth.) abode of the virtuous dead onan island in the western ocean,i.e. place of ideal hap-piness,paradise (希腊神话)伊利西姆,贤人死后所居住的地方,极乐世界,乐园。 △H.V.4.1. 292 (272): “But like alackey,from the rise to set,/ Sweats in the eye ofPhoebus,and all night / Sleeps in Elysium;”而是像一个跑腿的仆役,从日出到日落,在太阳神的眼皮底下流汗出力,而到了晚上就整夜睡在极乐世界里。 △2H.Vl.3.2.398: “Or Ishould breathe it so into thy body,/ And then it livedin sweet Elysium.”再不然我就把我的灵魂吹进你的身体里,这样它就住进了甜蜜的乐园。 △3H.VI.1.2.29: “Howsweet a thing it is to wear a crown,/ Within whosecircuit is Elysium”,头戴王冠是一件多么叫人高兴的事情,在那个圆圈之内就是乐园。 △Gent.2.7.37:“And there I'llrest,as after much turmoil / A blessed soul doth in E-lysium.”就像一个有福的灵魂,在经历了许多磨折之后,在天堂中休息。 △Tw.1.2. 2. (3):“And what should I do inIllyria?/ My brother he is in Elysium.”我在伊利里亚干什么呢? 我的哥哥已经到伊利西姆(极乐世界)去了。(按:薇奥拉认为她的哥哥已在海上遇难。) |