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单词 tone
tone/tǝ ʊn, AmE toʊn/ nvt [-d,-d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)声音(尤指音调,音质)(sound that has a distinct pitchdurationloudness and quality)[C]:a voice with a full/clear/ringing/harsh/shrill~洪亮/清晰/响亮/刺耳/尖利的嗓音;heart~s 心音;〖同〗pitch,sound,quality,note,intonation,accent,stress;

(2)语调(气),口吻(way in which one says sth esp to show one's feelings)[Cpl]:speak in an apologetic/impatient/entreating~以抱歉/不耐烦/恳求的口吻讲话;speak in a quiet/sincere~ 用温和/真诚的口吻讲话;speak (talk) to sb in a~of command/reproach/regret 用命令/指责/抱歉的语气对某人讲话(和某人谈话);speak in~s of disapproval/approval 以不赞同/赞同的口吻讲话;in ringing~s 以响亮的语调;The~of this letter is rather unfriendly. 这封信的语气很不友好。〖同〗attitude,mood,note,temper;

(3)(乐器的)音质(色)(quality or character of sound)[CU]:the sweet (clear)~s of the lute/the clarinet/the violin/the piano 琵琶/单簧管/小提琴/钢琴的悦耳(嘹亮)的音色;

(4)(颜色的)浓淡,色调(shade of color)[C]:paint a picture/a room in various~s of green 用各种绿色画一张画/粉刷一个房间;a carpet in~s of brown and orange 一块褐、橙两种色调的地毯;a coat in~s of green 一件绿色的外衣;the room furnished in~s of brown 摆褐色家具的房间;a picture in warm/dull/bright~s 暖色调/色彩单调/色调明快的画;〖同〗shade,cast,colour;

(5)风气,气氛(general quality or atmosphere)[Ua~]:the~of society/a school 社会风气/校风;lower (raise) the~of a conversation/an occasion/the meeting 破坏(改善)谈话/某一场合/会议的气氛;lower/raise the~of an organization破坏/改善一个组织的风气;bring down the~of the neighbourhood 破坏这一带邻里的气氛;a debate with an antagonistic~带有敌对气氛的辩论;a quiet elegant~to the room 这个房间的雅致氛围;

(6)身体的健康状态(healthy condition of one's body or part of it)[U]:good muscular~肌肉结实;lose/recover~失去/恢复健康;

→′toneless adj 无色调(生气)的,单调的;′tonelessly adv 无生气地,单调地;-toned(构成合成词)具有……声音;͵tone-′deaf adj 不能辨别不同音调的;′tone-poem n 音乐诗;

vt 使有某种声调或色调(give the proper tone of sound;soften or change the color of paintingetc)[T+n]:T~your voice down,please. 请小点声。That red is too glaring. You must~it down. 那种红色太俗,必须换一种柔和些的颜色。~down sb's demands/sb's anger缓和某人的要求/怒气;~down some of one's criticisms/the newspaper's attack 使批评/报纸上攻击的调子缓和些;~down the colours of a picture/in sb's portrait 使图画/某人的肖像色调柔和;〖同〗pitch,sound,moderate,temper;

tone in (v adv)与……和谐;颜色与……谐调(vi):Black shoes would~in better with your coat. 黑鞋和你的外衣搭配会更谐调一些。

tone up (v adv)(使)发亮(结实),(使)加强或提高(vt):Swimming is the best way to~up your muscles. 游泳是使肌肉结实的最好方法。Some people take vitamins to~up the system. 有些人吃维生素来提高身体素质。

【辨异】tone noisesoundvoice的区别见NOISE。





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