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单词 讨价还价

讨价还价tǎo jià huán jià

argy-bargy; bargain;chaffer; dicker; haggle; huckster; haggle; palter;prig
❍ 不知道袁世凯这种盘马弯弓,适可而止,就是对民军一打一拉,对清朝~,“鹬蚌相持”,以便他自己从中取利的作法。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—287) Jiaoshu was quite unaware of Yuan Shikai’s trickery which was to refrain from fighting on and to maintain a military stalemate in order to strengthen his bargaining power with the Qing court.
❍ 他想扩大书店,提高自己的地位,并且借此插足到文化界去占据一块地盘,解放以后,向党~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》142) He had wanted to expand the bookshop clearly intending to use it to get a foothold in cultural circles and to enhance his own status. Doubtless he intended to get himself into a strong position from which to bargain with the Party after liberation.
❍ 我们是命令你们全部缴出武器!这不是在做买卖~……(知侠《铁道游击队》592) We’ve ordered you to surrender all your arms! Stop haggling…


price bargaining


bargain; haggle; give and take
他们原来预料要经过几个星期的~。They had expected weeks of haggling./在集市上~bargain at a bazaar/激烈的~heated bargaining/~的能力bargaining power

讨价还价tǎo jià huán jià

指买卖双方商定价格的高低。也比喻谈判或接受任务时讲条件。bargain, haggle over, drive a bargain, chaffer, palter





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