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❶ (讨伐) send army or despatch troops to suppress or assault: 征 ~ send a punitive expedition against; ~ 贼 fight enemy; ~ 平叛乱 put down a rebellion
❷ (索取; 请求) ask for; beg for; demand: ~ 帐 demand the payment of a debt; dun; ~ 赏钱 ask for tips; ~ 个人情儿 beg for a special consideration
❸ (谴责) denounce; condemn; censure: 声 ~ denounce; condemn
❹ (娶) marry: ~ 媳妇 get a wife; get married
❺ (招惹) provoke; incur; court; invite: ~ 了个没趣儿 court a rebuff; ask for a snub; ~ 人欢心 ingratiate oneself with sb.; ingratiate oneself into sb.'s favour; 自 ~ 苦吃 walk into trouble; bring trouble upon oneself
❻ (讨论) discuss: 研 ~ deliberate; discuss; 探 ~ inquire into; probe into; 商 ~ discuss
◆讨好献媚 ingratiate oneself with; fawn on and curry favour with; toady to; 讨还 get sth. back; 讨还血债 make one pay for his countless bloody crimes; make one pay his blood debt; 讨价 ask a price; name a price; 讨价还价 bargain with sb. for a supply of sth.; chaffer with a tradesman about prices; dicker with sb. about sth.; dispute about the terms of a bargain; drive a hard bargain; haggle with sb. over the price of sth.; higgling; huckster over; 讨价还价、愿者成交 Voluntary deals are struck through bargaining.; 讨教 ask for advice; 讨论 discuss; talk over; 讨论会 symposium; discussion; seminar; 讨便宜 seek undue advantage; (try to) gain sth. [advantage] at the expense of others; look for a bargain;
讨平 send armed forces to put down a rebellion; 讨乞 beg alms; beg; 讨巧 act artfully to get what one wants; get the best for oneself at the least expense; choose the easy way out; 讨情 [方] plead for sb.; beg sb. off; 讨求宽恕 entreat one to forgive; 讨饶 beg for mercy; ask for forgiveness; pardon; 讨饶乞恕 crave mercy [pardon]; beg for forgiveness and implore for pardon; 讨人喜欢 try to keep sb. in good humour; likable; cute; 讨生活 seek living; drift along aimlessly; 讨嫌 disagreeable; annoying; 讨厌 disagreeable; disgusting; have no use [time] for; repugnant; nuisance; be tired of; be sick of; be disgusted at [by]; How boring!; have an aversion to sb.; be antipathetic to; be repugnant to; be disgusted with; take an aversion to; be browned-off with; hold sth. in abomination; be fed up with; hard to handle; troublesome; nasty; dislike; loathe; be disgusted with;
讨斋化缘 beg alms; ask for financial aids; 讨债 demand repayment of a loan; ask for payment of a debt; dun; 讨债鬼 a person who keeps asking his family for money to spend; nuisance; 讨账 ask for payment; demand the payment of a debt; dun





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