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(喧哗; 不安静) noisy: ~ 得慌 noisy and irritating; 这屋里太 ~。 This room is too noisy. Ⅱ ❶ (吵; 扰乱) make a noise; stir up trouble: ~ 翻了天 make a hell of a fuss; ~ 乱子 make trouble; ~ 着玩儿 do sth. for fun; be joking; 又哭又 ~ make a tearful scene; 叫孩子们别 ~ 了。 Tell the children to stop making a noise. 她大 ~ 了一场。 She made a terrible scene.
❷ (发泄) give vent (to one's anger, resentment, etc.): ~ 意气 sulk
❸ (害; 发生) suffer from; be troubled by: ~ 虫灾 suffer from insect pests; ~ 嗓子 have a sore throat; ~ 水灾 suffer from flood; ~ 眼睛 have eye trouble
❹ (干; 弄; 搞) go in for; do; make: ~ 技术革新 make a technical innovation; ~ 生产 go in for production; 把问题 ~ 清楚了再发言。 Don't speak until you've got the thing clear in your mind.
◆闹别扭 be difficult with sb.; be at odds with sb.; become quarrelsome purposely; bicker; have trouble with sb.; 闹病 fall ill; be ill; 闹出笑话 make a fool of oneself;pull a boner; 闹肚子 suffer from diarrhoea; have diarrhoea; 闹翻 fall out with sb.; 闹翻天 raise hell; raise a rumpus; 闹革命 carry out revolution; make revolution; rise in revolution; 闹鬼 be haunted; play tricks behind sb.'s back; use underhand means; 闹哄哄 clamorous; noisy; boisterous; full of noise and clamour; 闹饥荒 suffer from famine; be hard up; 闹剧 farce; 闹情绪 be disgruntled; be in low spirits; 闹嚷嚷 noisy; 闹事 create a disturbance; make trouble; 闹市 busy shopping centre; downtown area; busy streets; 闹腾 make a loud noise; create a disturbance; make merry; make a joke; 闹笑话 make a fool of oneself; make a stupid mistake; 闹意见 be on bad terms because of a difference of opinion; 闹意气 feel resentful because sth. is not to one's liking; sulk; 闹着玩儿 joke; horse around; 闹中取静 keep quiet in a noisy neighbourhood; 闹钟 alarm clock

❶clamor; make a scene
❷ give vent to;vent
❸ suffer from
❹crack jokes;tease
~本位主义 assert departmentalism/~不出什么名堂unable to get anywhere /~地位clamor for position/~地位、争待遇seek position and material benefits/ ~独立性assert one’s independence from/~对立create antagonism between; set oneself against/~分裂create a split/~级别fuss over one’s rank or wage scale/~矛盾be at loggerheads with/~名誉 chase after fame /~摩擦create friction/~派性engage in factional activities/~派性的人 factionalist/~清楚find out the truth about sth; get to the bottom of the matter;get things clear in one’s mind/~无政府主义commit acts of anarchism/~享受pursue pleasure; pleasure-seeking/~中取静seek or enjoy peace and quiet from noisy surroundings





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