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单词 闷闷不乐

闷闷不乐mèn mèn bù lè

depressed; down-hearted; feel gloomy; in low spirits; sorrowfully;sulk; unhappy
❍ 季交恕~,觉得母亲顽固,但不敢也不忍违抗她。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—73) Jiaoshu was depressed yet he did not dare,nor could he bear,to disobey his stubborn mother.
❍ 袁廷发在往天夜里,一走在马路上,就感到凉爽、愉快、舒适,这一夜却有些~。(艾芜《百炼成钢》34) On other nights,he would feel refreshed and comfortable walking home after work,but now he was down-hearted.
❍ 因此今日之筵,大家无兴散了,黛玉还不觉怎么着,倒是宝玉心中~,回至房中,长吁短叹。(《红楼梦》372) So whereas Daiyu did not care when the feasters parted in low spirits today.Baoyu went back to his room feeling so gloomy that he did nothing but sigh.
❍ 意欲弃布他往,却又不忍; 又恐被人嗤笑。乃终日~。(《三国演义》163) He thought seriously of abandoning Lu Bu,but that would be too painful a wrench. Besides,he feared people would laugh at him. So the days passed sorrowfully for him.
❍ 他们三个人呆在那里,各有各的心绪: 开平~; 福厚只顾咬干粮; ……(王汶石《风雪之夜》30) The three of them,however,sat in silence each engrossed in his own thoughts. Kaiping seemed to be sulking.Fuhou concentrated on eating.
❍ 但是,脸色虽然平静,可也看出有点~的生宝,坚持着这个话头,……(柳青《创业史》259)Although Shengbao appeared calm,a bit of his unhappiness showed through. But he stuck to his subject.


depressed;in low spirits


depressed; dejected; in low spirits他这几天~。He is in low spirits these days.

闷闷不乐mèn mèn bù lè

闷闷:心情抑郁不快乐。心中有事,烦闷不快乐。depressed, be in the blues, in the pits, be down in the mouth





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