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单词 blind
释义 blind1 /blaind; blaind/ adj 1 without the power to see: 盲目的; 瞎的: Tom helped the ~ man across the road. 汤姆段奇瞎子过街。 He is ~ in the right eye. 他的右眼瞎了。 turn a/one's ~ eye to sth, pretend not to see it. 装做未看见; 对…睁只眼闭只眼。 ~ spot, point on the retina insensible to light; (fig) inability to recognize, understand or sympathize with sth. 盲业(砚网膜上对光线无感觉之点); (喻)无能力认识、了解或同情某事物。 2 - (to), unable to see effects, to judge or understand well: 缺乏眼光、判断力或了解力: Mothers are sometimes ~ to the faults of their children. 做母亲的有时不能觉察孩子们的过错。 A man would be ~ not to see that difficulty. 连那个困难都看不出来的人一定是瞎了眼。 3 reckless; thoughtless: 卤莽的; 轻率的; 不审慎的: In his ~ haste he almost ran into the river. 他匆匆忙忙地几乎跑到河里去了。 4 not ruled by purpose: 无目的的: Some people think that the world is governed by ~ forces. 有些人认为这个世界受着无目的的力量所支配。 5 (8l) drunk (also 亦作~ (俚) 醉酒的。 6 ~ alley, → alley ⑴ . ~ date, O date1 (4). ~ flying, navigation, eg in cloud, fog, with the aid of instruments only. 盲目飞行 (指在黑暗中或云雾中仅靠仪器飞行) 。 ~ turn ing, (in a road) one that cannot easily be seen by drivers. 公路上不易为驾车者看清楚的转雪处 - ,man's 'buff n game in which one player, who is blindfolded, tries to catch and identify one of the others who push him about. 捉迷藏游微。




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