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单词 touch
touch/tʌt⨜/ v & n

v (1)碰(到),触(到)(come or bring into contact)[IT+n]:The two orchards~(each other) at this point. 两个果园在这里相接。The tree's branches~the ground/the water/the window. 树枝触到了地面/水面/窗户。He was asleep the moment after his head~ed the pillow. 他头一挨枕头,就睡着了。〖同〗join,meet,unite;〖反〗separate;
 (2)轻碰(触,拍)(尤指用手)(put the handfingeretc on or into contact with sth slightly)[T+n]:~sb's forehead/the child's cheek/sb in the arm/a painting 轻轻摸一摸某人的前额/小孩的脸颊/某人的手臂/绘画;~glasses with all the guests和所有的客人碰杯;Don't~these wires! 别碰这些电线!〖同〗handle,feel;
 (3)少量吃(喝),沾(eat or drink a little of sth;taste)[T+n][通常neg]:He won't~garlic/his food/wine/the soup. 他就是不愿吃大蒜/吃东西/沾酒/喝那汤。Hardly/rarely/never~liquor (a drop of whiskey) 几乎/几乎/从不沾酒(喝一滴威士忌);He didn't~his sandwich. 那三明治他一口没吃。
 (4)与……有联(关)系(have to do with;involve or concern)[T+n][通常neg]:a problem that~s many people 涉及许多人的问题;a serious matter that~s sb's future 关系到某人前途的一件大事;the achievement that~s many areas of modern society 对当代社会许多领域有影响的成就;The meeting didn't~on the problem of higher costs. 会议没有涉及高成本的问题。He has never~ed anything illegal. 违法的事他从不沾边儿。notsb/sth with a barge-pole 不愿与……结交(联系);〖同〗concern;
 (5)使……感动(触)(affect or move emotionally)[T+nT+n+ prep (with)]:His tragic story/distress~ed her deeply. 他的悲惨故事/苦难使她深受感动。Their poverty/plea/speeches~ed our hearts. 他们的穷困/恳求/讲演深深地触动了我们的心。 be~ed by sb's generosity 被某人的慷慨所感动;〖同〗affect,move,impress,influence;
 (6)冒犯、伤害(harm sb's feeling;offend)[T+nT+n+prep (on)]:~sb's self-esteem/sb's pride 伤害某人的自尊心/自尊心;~sb on a tender spot 触及了某人的痛处;~sb on the raw/to the quick 触到痛处;
 (7)比(赶)得上(succeed in equaling)[T+n][通常neg]:Mike cannot~Mary as an artist/a comedian/a cook. 作为一名画家/喜剧演员/厨师,麦克比不上玛丽。Her work will never~his. 她的工作永远达不到他的标准。Nothing can~mountain air for giving you an appetite. 什么也比不上山里的空气能促进食欲的了。There's no one to~him in comedy/at chess.演喜剧/下棋没人比得上他。〖同〗equal,match,rival;
 (8)达到(come up to;reach;attain)[T+n]:The thermometer~ed 40℃. 温度计升到摄氏40度。The speedometer~ed 140 mph. 速度计显示时速达140英里。
 touch at (v prep)停靠,靠岸(vt):Our ship~ed at Dalian on our way back. 返航途中我们的船曾在大连停靠。
 touch down (v adv)着陆(vi):~down at the airport/on the mainland 在机场/大陆着陆;
 touch off (v prep)1)引起,触发(vt):Her remarks~ed off a violent argument. 她的评论引起强烈的争论。2)引爆(着)(vt):The boy~ed off a firecracker. 那个男孩点着了鞭炮。
 touch up/upon (v adv) 1)修饰,润色(vt):This is the original photograph without being~ed up in any way. 这是一张原版照片,没有经过任何修饰。2)涉(提)及(vt):Centre on the main problem and~up (upon)others. 集中谈主要问题,同时提一下其他问题。
 →′touched adj 受到感动的;精神不太正常的;′touching adj 令人感动的(同情的);′touchdown n(指飞行器)着陆,接地;
 n (1)(接)触(act or way of touching)[C,通常sing]:feel a~on one's arm 觉得有人摸了一下自己的胳膊;get a~to the ball 触到了球;operate at a slightest~轻轻地一触就启动了;The slightest~will bruise the flower. 轻轻的触摸也会擦伤花朵。
 (2) 1)触觉,触摸(sense by which an object or material is known by contact with the bodyesp the fingers)[U]:rely on~依靠触觉;find the door/the light switch by~摸到了门/电灯开关;〖同〗 feel,feeling,fingering; 2)触摸时的感觉(feeling of sth when one touches it)[Ua~]:feel cold/rough/soft to the~摸起来冰冷/粗糙/柔软;a soft/velvety~柔软/天鹅绒般光滑的感觉;the cold~of marble 大理石的冰冷; silky~of soft cloth 柔软的棉布给人的丝绸般的感觉;The baby's skin has a soft~. 婴儿的皮肤摸起来很柔软。〖同〗feel;
 (3)一点,少许(a little bita hint or trace)[Ua~][N (of)]:a~of jealousy 有点嫉妒;a~more garlic/salt 再加点大蒜/盐;(sb) have a~of flu/cold/fever/the sun(某人)有点感冒/感冒/发烧/中暑;
 (4)修饰,润色(some small additions or improvement to sth)[C]:The artist finished my picture with a clever/nice~经过那位画家巧妙/精妙的修饰之后,我的画作完成了。The story (painting) lacks the humorous/finishing~s. 这个故事(幅画)缺少幽默/最后的润色。
 (5)风格,格调(characteristic way or style of doing things)[Ua~]:the~of an author/a master 作家/大师的风格;the author's personal~作家个人的(写作)风格;play the piano with a delicate/heavy/light/firm~以细腻/深沉/轻快/稳健的手法弹奏钢琴;lose one's~失去自己的风格;lack a certain professional~缺乏某种专业技巧;The artist has a delicate~. 那画家手法细腻。
 (6)个人的技巧(能)(person's special ability or skill in sth)[Ua~]:regain/lose one's old~恢复/失去了原有的功力;〖同〗technique,style,manner,method,skill,art,form,influence;
 keep in touch (with)与……保持联系:Do keep in~with me. 跟我保持联系。
 be out of touch with 与……失去联系:He was out of~with his old friends. 他和老朋友们失去了联系。
 →͵touch-and-′go adj 无把握的,结果不定的;′touch-judge n 橄榄球比赛的巡边员;′touch-line n 足球场的边线;′touch-type v 触(盲)打(不看键盘的);′touchy adj 棘手的;易怒的,过于敏感的





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