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单词 tooth
tooth/tu:θ/ n teeth/ti:θ/]

(1)牙(齿)(one of the set of hard white things like bones that grow in one's jaw and are used for biting and chewing)[C]:clean (brush) one's teeth 刷牙;fill a~补牙;have all one's own teeth 牙齿全部完好无缺;have a~out/pulled 拔牙/拔牙;cut one's teeth (teeth/a~) 牙齿刚透出齿龈长出;

(2)齿状部分(sth that looks or acts like a tooth):the teeth of a comb/a saw/a cogwheel 梳子/锯/齿轮的齿;

(3)有效的力量(strength and power)(常用pl):These laws have teeth. 这些法律具有威力。a law with teeth to it 有威力的法律;

be/get long in the tooth 年纪大:I'm getting a bit long in the~to climb the mountain. 我已经年纪大了,爬不了那座山了。

fight tooth and nail 猛烈、坚毅地战斗:We fought~and nail but lost. 我们顽强地战斗,但还是失败了。

get one's teeth into sth 埋头于,认真处理:get one's teeth into the job 全力以赴地去工作;

in the teeth of sth 不顾,迎着:in the teeth of public opinion/opposition 不顾公众的意见/反对;walk (advance) in the teeth of the wind/the gale 顶着风/大风向前走(前进);

show one's teeth 威胁;发怒:The government showed its teeth to the rebels. 政府威胁反叛者。

→′toothed adj 有(装)齿的;′toothless adj 无牙(齿)的;′toothy adj 露齿的,多齿的;′toothily adv 露齿地,多齿地;′toothache n 牙痛;′toothbrush n 牙刷;′toothpaste n 牙膏;′tooth-powder n 牙粉;′toothpick n 牙签;′toothsome adj 可口的;′tooth-wash n 刷牙水





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