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单词 liver


1 person living,person过活者,人。
△H. .ⅧI I. 2.3 . 20: “humble livers ”,i.e . those who live humble lives; humble people. 贫贱的人们。


n. 2
1 . i. e. supposed to be the seat of passions肝脏(古时被看做种种激情和情欲产生之源)。
△Mer. 1. 1 . 81 : “And letmy liver rather heat with wine”,宁可用酒温热了我的肝。
△Wi v . 2 . 1 . 1 19 (1 17):“With liver burning hot.”他的肝脏像火一样燃烧(意即:情欲正旺)。
△As. 3 . 2. 448 (421 ):“and this wav will I take upon me to wash your liveras clean as a sound sheep’s heart,”我也可以用这种方法把你的肝洗得干干净净,像一颗没有毛病的羊心一样。
△2H .Ⅳ.1 . 2 . 200 (174): “you do measure the heat of our livetswith the bitterness of your galls;”你们总是拿你们冷酷的胆汁来衡量我们热情的肝脏。
2. i . e. supposed seat of love肝脏(爱情的发生中心)。
△Tw . 2 . 5 . 108 (95): “This wins him,liver and all.”i. e. even to his deepest passion. 这町把他打动了,肝和一切。(又译:这可把他深深打动了。)
△Ado . 4 . 1 . 233 (231 ) :“If ever love had interest in his liver,”如果爱情真正打动过他的心肝。
3. i . e. seat of passion and courage肝脏(激怒与勇气的发生中心)。
△2H .Ⅳ IV. 4 . 3 . 1 12 (103) : “which before,coldand settled,left the liver white pale,”血液原来是冰冷而凝固的,它使得肝脏苍白。
△2H .Ⅳ IV. 5. 5 . 34 (31 ): “Myknight,I will inflame thy noble liver,/ And makethee rage.”我的骑士,我要煽动起你高贵的肝火,使你大发雷霆。
Phrases :
liver,brain,and heart: According to Elizabethan be-lief,the liver was the seat of the passions,the brainthe seat of the judgment,and the heart the seat of the emotions.肝,脑,心——伊利莎白时代的人们认为:肝为情欲的发生中心,脑为思想判断的发生中心,心为感情的发生中心。
△Tw. 1 . 1 . 37 (36):“when liver,brain,and heart ,/These sovereign thrones,are supplied,and filled/Her sweet perfections with one self king.”那时,肝、脑、心,这些至尊的宝座,亦即她那些珍美的一切,都要被惟一的君王所占有了。
livgr-vein: humour of a lover恋爱者的情绪。
△L. L. L.4. 3 . 74 (72 ): “This is the liver-vein,which makes flesh a deity,”这是恋爱的热狂,把凡人当神仙看待。
motion Of the liver: true feeling or genuine passionfrom the llver,which was taken to be the seat of emotions来自肝脏的冲动,真正的感情。(过去认为肝也为感情的中心。)
△Tw. 2. 4 . 99 (97):“Alas,their love may becalled appetite,/No motion of th e liver,”唉,她们的爱只可以说是食欲,不是发自肝脏的真情冲动。




‖liver blow打击肝部的拳
liver punch打击肝部的拳





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