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单词 live


n. life生命。
△3H.VI.4.4.16: “Till then fairhope must hinder live's decay;”在那时候到来之前,只有靠美好的希望维持我的生命不致崩溃。


ad. lief,willingly宁愿,乐意地。
△2H.IV.1.2.46(41): “I had as live they would put ratsbane in mymouth as offer to stop it with security.”我倒宁愿他们把耗子药塞到我的嘴里,也不愿让他们拿出“保证”来堵住我的嘴。


vt. survive经历…之后还活着。
△H.V.4.3.44: “Hethat shall live this day and see old age.”谁要是能够活过了今天并且安享晚年。
1. exist,dwell 存在,寓于。
△ Gent.5.4.106:“If shamelive / In a disguise of love.”i.e. if a disguise assumedfor love's sake can produce shame. 如果为爱情而伪装是一件可耻的事。
△Rom.4.5.65:“Confusion's cure livesnot / In these confusions.”灾难的处置之道并不在于乱喊乱叫。
△1H.IV.1.2.212(190): “and in the reproof ofthis lives the jest.”玩笑就存在于把他这一套话完全揭穿。
△2H.IV.4.4.75:“and their memory / Shall as a pat-tern or a measure live,/ By which his Grace mustmete the lives of other,”对于他们的记忆将作为一种先例或尺度而存在,太子殿下凭借它可以衡量其他人们的行为。
△R.III.2.2.97.“Send straight for him. / Let him becrowned,in him your comfort lives.” 立刻派人把他接来,给他加冕,你的安慰就存在于他身上。
△R.III.4.2.7:“Still live they,and forever let them last!”它们长期存在,而且还要永远继续下去!
△H.VIII.1.2.62: “their cur-ses now / Live where their prayers did;”在过去为你祝福的地方,现在却发生了咒骂。
2. exist,be found 存在,找到。
△2H.IV.1.3.12:“Andour supplies live largely in the hope / Of greatNorthumberland,”从尊贵的诺桑伯兰那里我们还希望得到大量的增援部队。
△2H.IV.1.3.36:“Yes,if this presentquality of war,/ Indeed the instant action,a cause onfoot,/ Lives so in hope,as in an early spring / Wesee the appearing buds,which to prove fruit / Hopegives not so much warrant,as despair / That frostswill bite them.”i.e. Yes,it does hurt,if this state of war,this imminent action in fact,the campaign al-ready on foot,lives on hopes like those we form inearly spring at the sight of the buds—when indeedour hopes of good fruit are less likely to be realizedthan our fears of a frosty blight. 肯定有害,如果当前这场战争的状况,这场紧急行动,这件已在发动的大事,只是依靠着空洞的希望,那就像我们在早春看见蓓蕾,希望它们结成果实,其实我们的希望实现的可能还没有霜灾摧残所带来的绝望大得多呢。
3. be active. lie起作用,存在…
△1H.IV.5.2.20:“Allhis offences live upon my head / And on hisfather's.”他的一切过错都要归在我和他父亲的头上。
4. continue to exist,last,remain,hold out依然存在,持续,保持,坚持。
△Mer.3.1.2:“yet it lives there un-checked...”i.e. it is still reported without contradic-tion. 这种传闻到现在还没人加以否认。
△Oth.3.3. 226:“Long live she so! and long live you think so!”但愿她永远这样! 但愿你永远这样想!
△H.V.4.3.96: “upon thewhich,I trust,/ Shall witness live in brass of this day's work.”我相信,在他们的坟上将会树立黄铜墓碑,铭记着他们今天的战功。
△1H.VI.2.4.94:“His trespass yet lives guilty in thy blood.”他的罪还遗留在你的血液里。
△R.III.1.3.278 (277): “And in that shame still livemy sorrow's rag!”我的悲伤的愤怒就在这种耻辱之中永远坚持下去!
△R.III.3.1.75: “But say,my lord,it werenot registered,/ Methink the truth should live fromage to age,”但是,我的大人,这件事即使并没有记载,我想真相还是会一代一代留存下来。
△As.2.6.5:“Live a little,”再坚持一下。
△2H.IV.4.5.217 (218):“How I came bythe crown,O God forgive,/ And grant it may withthee in true peace live!”我怎样得到这顶王冠的,啊,愿上帝宽恕,也请准许你能平平安安地把它保住!
5.(of a vessel in a storm) escape destruction,remainafloat(风暴中的船只)脱险,依然漂浮。
△Tw.1.2.11(12):“bind himself... / To a strong mast that lived (=floated) upon the sea;”把他自己捆在一根漂浮在海面的结实的桅樯上。
Phrases & Expressions:
he lives: i.e.there is a man有这么一个人。
△ R.III.1.2.142(141): “He lives that loves thee better than hecould.”有这么一个人,他比他更爱你。
live behind: survive活下去。
△Ham.3.2.187 (175):“And thou shalt live in this fair world behind,”你还可在花花世界里独自活下去。
live by: ❶make a living by靠…为生。
△Tw.3.1.1:“Dost thou live by thy tabor?”你可是靠打手鼓过日子吗?
❷dwell near住在…附近。
△Tw.3.1.3:“No,sir,Ilive by the church.”不,先生,我住在教堂附近。(按:小丑利用live by的另一解释装糊涂双关。在下文中薇奥拉继续用by的两种解释说双关话。)
live in: live on靠…活着。
△Gent.2.4.28: “live inyour air”, on your air. 吃你的空气。
live in the sun: ❶live a free,open-air life,enjoyingheaven's sunshine过一种自由自在、充满阳光的露天生活。
❷live the life of an outlaw过一种亡命者的生活(据J. D.Wilson)。
△As.2.5.38:“Who doth ambition shun,/And loves to live i'the sun.”谁能抛弃野心,来过充满阳光的自由生活。
live well: enjoy life,prosper materially 享受生活乐趣.物质上富起来。
△R.III.1.4.147 (142):“and every manthat means to live well endeavours to trust to himself,and live without it.” (it: conscience.) 凡是想过上舒坦日子的人就努力只信任自己,不管什么良心。
Will I live?: As sure as I live就像我活着一样没错儿。
△2H.IV.2.1.78(161):“Will I live?”我好好活着,说话能不算数吗?


◇live a double life两面派
live a simple life淡泊明志
live abroad侨居
live alone as a widow寡居
live and let live宽容,不批评他人的过错
live apart分居
live away from home寄居
live away from the steps of others旅居
live (be) in clover =live like pigs in clover养尊处优,生活富裕
live by靠…过活,以…谋生
live by one’s wits靠计谋谋生,以各种办法谋生
live by oneself独居
live fast生活放纵
live for为…而活
live from hand to mouth现挣现吃,糊口度日,生活艰难
live in住进,进入
live in fool’s paradise苟且偷安
live in harmony和睦相处
live in privacy隐居
live in privation困苦
live in seclusion隐居
live in the shadow隐姓埋名
live it up狂欢一场,纵欲行乐
live on(upon) =live off靠…生活
live on (off) the fat of the land生活奢侈
live on tally非婚同居
live on the streets以卖淫为生
live out活过(某一段时间)/live the dice against用不正当手段占…的便宜
live the part演得非常逼真
live through度过,经受住
live to oneself过孤独的生活
live to tell the tale幸存
live up to实践,与…相等
live with sb.与…同居,寄宿
‖ live-action实景真人电影
live ammunition实弹
live attack实弹攻击
live ball活球
live birth活产
live birth order活产胎次
live blood生命力
live bombing range实弹轰炸靶场
live broadcast实况转播,直播
live camera电视实况广播摄像机
live cartridge (warhead)实弹
live flight载人飞行
live image活动图像
live-in requirement入住规定
live in separate places两地分居
live insert实况节目插播
live international TV coverage国际电视现场转播
live issue尚在争论中的问题
live launch实弹发射
live one容易受骗上当者
live operational training实战训练
live operational training course实战训练科目
Live or Die 《生死抉择》/ live pickup实况录像,直接录音,广播室实况广播
live practice实弹射击
live programme实况转播
live release后引撒放
live rope活绳
live round (shell)实弹
live runway现用跑道
live scenes实况录像
live separately分居
live show现场直播
live studio technique广播室实况广播技术
live studio transmission演播室直播
live talent studio直接表演演播室live telecast直播
live television broadcast实况电视转播,现场电视广播
live television show现场电视演出
live time实况转播时间
live transmission广播节目直播
withdraw from society and live in solitude隐居
lived body有生活经验的人
lived experience生活经验
lived relation生活关系
live-and-let-live adj.和平共处的
liveaction[laivˈækʃən]n.(影片)直接从大自然摄制的,直接以真人表演摄制的liven v.使活跃,使愉快
◇earn a livelihood=make a livelihood =gain a livelihood谋生
‖ livelihood economy民生经济
people’s livelihood民生主义
lively ball弹性好的球
lively carry传球到位
lively market交易活跃的市场
liveliness n. 活泼,生动,热烈,鲜明
living adj. 活着的,居住的,现代的,当代的,强烈的,生动的n. 生活(方式),生计,收入
◇earn a living =make a living谋生
living on immoral earning靠不道德收入为生
seek a livelihood谋生
‖ cost of living生活费
living allowance生活补助金 (费) living beings生物
living conditions生活条件
living cost生活费用
living cybernetics生物控制论
living debt生产性国债
living environment生活环境
living example实例
living faith强烈的信念
living form生活型
living habit生活习性
living likeness栩栩如生的画像
living model真人模特儿
living nature生物界
living necessities生活必需品
living needs求生需要
living newspaper活报剧
living organism生物有机体
living philosophy有生命力的哲学
living principle活生生的基质
living quarters住所
living room客厅
living sculpture身体雕塑艺
living space生存空间,住房面积
living standards生活水平,生活标准
living standard of troops部队生活水平
living theatre舞台剧
living thing (things)生物
the living在世者
show high ideals by simple living淡泊明志





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