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单词 tower
tower/′taʊ ǝ(r) / nvi [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n 塔(楼)(tall narrow (part of a) buildingesp (of) a castle)[C]:a water/clock/lookout~水塔/钟楼/瞭望塔;a control/radio/television~(机场)指挥塔台/无线电塔/电视塔;The T~of London 伦敦塔;the Eiffel T~埃菲尔铁塔;the church's bell~教堂的钟楼;John has been aof strength to her. 约翰一直是她困难时的依靠。~block(BrE)(公寓、办公)大楼;〖同〗skyscraper,tall structure;

vi(1)高耸(be very tall;rise or extend far upward)[I+prep(over/above)]:The mountain/Empire State Building~s into the sky. 高山/帝国大厦直耸云天。the skyscrapers that~over the city 高耸于城市上空的摩天大楼;The slim boy~s over the other children. 身材修长的那个男孩比其他孩子高得多。The new buildings~above the old ones. 新建的大楼远远高出那些旧的大楼。〖同〗rise;high;〖反〗fall,sink,drop;

(2)(品质、能力等方面)超出(rise above or be superior to others in abilityqualityfameetc)[I+prep (over/above)](fig):~over the rest of the students/his colleagues in ability 在能力方面超过其他学生/他的同事;~above all other rulers of one's day/any of the other members who have been nominated 名望远远超出同时代的所有其他统治者/强于其他任何一个被提名者;〖同〗surpass,exceed,outclass;

→′towering adj 高耸(大)的;杰出的





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