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单词 train
train1/treɪn/ n

(1)列(火)车(railway engine with its car-riages or trucks)[CU(by~)]:a~station(AmE)/driver火车站/司机;get on/off a~上/下火车;catch/take/get the~to Paris 乘火车去巴黎;miss the~没赶上那趟火车;a passenger/goods/freight~一列客/货/货车;change~s 换乘火车;express/stopping~s 快/慢车;travel (go) by~乘火车旅行(去);~set/ferry 玩具火车/火车轮渡;

(2)队列(procession or long line of peopleanimalscarsetc)[C]:a camel/wagon/baggage~骆驼/货车/辎重队;〖同〗procession,column,caravan;

(3)随从(员)(attendants who follow or accompany an important person)[C]:The king/film star is always surrounded by his~s. 国王/该影星经常由他的随从左右保驾。be followed by a~of admirers 被一群爱慕者追随着;be in sb's~是某人的随从;〖同〗attendants;

(4)一系列的事件(念头)(ideaseventsetc that follow each other)[C,通常sing][N(of)]:follow/understand/interrupt sb's~of thought 跟上/明白/打断某人的思路;suggest a whole~of ideas 提出了许多想法;A~of events ended in failure. 一系列的事件均以失败而告终。leave behind a long~of problems/difficulties 遗留下一连串的问题/困难;〖同〗series,sequence,chain,line,set;

(5)裙裾(lower part of a long dress which lies on the ground)[C]:The bride wore a dress with a~. 新娘穿着拖地长裙。

in train 正在准备之中(fml):Everything is now in~for the first night of the performance. 正在为第一个晚上的演出进行全面准备。

→′trainman n 列车乘务员,列车员;′train-spotter n 作为业余爱好收集机车车号的人;

【用法】在英语中,坐火车汽车等可以说in a train/a bus/a plane/a ship,也可以讲by train/bus/plane/ship。如果我们讲开火车,开飞机,开船,则要注意用不同的动词来表达。如:drive a train/a bus;fly a plane;pilot/sail a ship。





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