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单词 flick
释义 flick /flik; flik/ n [C] 1 quick light blow, eg with a whip or the tip of a finger. 轻击; 轻弹 (例如用鞍或指尖) 。 2 short sudden movement; jerk. 短暂而突然的动作; 猛然一动。 '~-knife n knife with a blade (inside the handle) which can be brought into position with a ~ for use. 弹簧刀 (刀刃藏于柄内,一振即可伸出) 。 3 (sl) cinema film. (U)影片。 the ~s, the cinema. 电影。口力 1 [VP6A, 15A, 22] strike with a ~, give a ~ with (a whip, etc); touch lightly: 轻击; 以 (鞍等) 轻击; 轻弹: He ~ed horse with his whip/ ~ed his whip at the horse. 他用瘢轻击他的马。 He ~ed the switch, eg for electric light. 他轻按电灯开关。 He ~ed the knife open. 他轻轻将刀刃弹出。 2 [VP15B] ~ sth away/off, remove with a 弹去 (某物): She ~ed the crumbs off the table-cloth. 她将堂布上的面包屑弹掉。




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