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单词 fling
释义 fling /fliij; fill) / vt, vi (pt, pp flung /flAr) ; flAij/) 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 22, 12A, 13A] throw violently: 猛投; 掷; 抛: ~ one's hat up (in the air); 将帽子抛向空中; ~ a stone at sb or sth; 向某人或某物掘石头; ~ one's clothes on, dress hurriedly; 匆匆穿上衣服; ~ the doors and windows open, open them quickly and forcibly; 将门窗猛然推开; be flung into prison; 被投入狱; ~ caution to the winds, act recklessly; 行鲁莽; ~ off one's pursuers, escape from them. 摆脱追赶的人。 She flung him a scornful look. 她向他投以鄙夷的一瞥。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] move oneself, one's arms, etc violently, hurriedly, impulsively or angrily: 猛烈移动 (身体,手臂等):急动; 暴躁地移动: ~ one's arms up/about; 急伸 (挥) 手臂; ~ oneself into a chair. 猛然坐于椅中; 一庇股坐于椅中。 3 [VP2C] go angrily or violently: rush: 愤然而行; 急行; 冲: She flung out of the room. 她冲 .出房间。 He flung off without saying goodbye. 他未经吿辞即愤然离去。 / [C] 1 act of ~ing; ~ing movement. 挪; 投; 猛动; 急动; 急箭。 have a ~ at, (shot or go are the more usu words) make an attempt at. 试图 (shot 或 go 为较常用之字) „ 2 kind of energetic dance: 一种充满活力的舞蹈: the Highland ~, as danced in Scotland. 一念 满活力的苏格兰高地舞。 have one's ~, have a time of unrestricted pleasure. 尽情; 恣意。




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