单词 | trail |
释义 | trail/treɪl/ n & v n (1)痕(踪,足)迹(mark,trace,course or path left by a moving body)[C]:leave a~of destruction/dust/water/blood 留下破坏的痕迹/扬起一股灰尘/留有水的印迹/留有血迹;leave~of debts 欠下一堆债;vapour/jet~s 蒸汽/喷气尾迹;~s of smoke 缕缕烟雾;hard/hot on sb's~紧跟在某人(某物)的后面;〖同〗mark,sign,trace; (2)崎岖小道(path or track made across a wild region,over rough country,or the like)[C]:keep to/follow the~沿着/沿着小路走;climb up a mountain~爬上山间小路;a~through the forest/the mountains 通过森林/山区的崎岖小路;〖同〗path,pathway,way; (3)猎(臭)迹(scent of a person or animal)[C]:follow/find the~of a fox (bear) 跟着/找到狐狸(熊)的臭迹;be on the~of the escaped convict/the kidnapper 正在追捕逃犯/绑架者;〖同〗track,scent,sign,mark,trace; v (1)拉,曳,拖((cause sth to)be dragged along the ground or some other surface)[I,I+prep,I+adv,T+n,T+n+prep,T+n+adv]:The kite's tail~ed in the air. 风筝的尾巴拖曳在空中。(sth) be~ing along/on the floor/in the mud(某物)拖在地板上/泥里;The defeated army~ed back from the front in complete disorder. 败军从前线溃逃回来。a bird~ing a broken wing 拖着断翅的鸟;a child~ing a toy car 拖着玩具小汽车的小孩;An aeroplane flew across the sky~ing white vapour. 一架飞机拖着白色的蒸汽尾迹飞过天空。(sb) be~ing a toy cart on a string/clothes from the suitcase(某人)用绳子拖着一辆玩具车/把衣服从衣箱里拽出来;〖同〗drag,tow,draw,pull;〖反〗push; (2)追踪(follow the traces or scent of,as in hunting;track)[T+n,T+n+prep (to)]:A pack of wolves~ed the herd of reindeer. 一群狼追踪一群驯鹿。~a criminal/a thief to his hide-out 跟踪罪犯/贼到其藏匿的地方;〖同〗track,trace,follow,tail;〖反〗flee; (4)无精打采地走(move or walk slowly and usu wearily,esp behind others)[I+prep (behind),I+adv (along),I+adv (along) prep (behind)]:(sb)~along behind one's parents/one's teachers(某人)慢吞吞地跟在父母/老师后面;~along behind the main force/others 无精打采地跟在主力部队/其他人后面;The defeated soldiers~ed past me one by one. 打了败仗的士兵一个一个垂头丧气地从我身边走过。〖同〗follow,move; (4)失利,落后(be losing in a contest)[I,I+prep (by/in)](通常用于prog):be~ing badly in the opinion polls 民意测验中大大失利;be~ing by two goals to one 以一比二落后;〖反〗lead; (5)蔓延(生)(extend,grow over a surface,as a vine or plant)[I+prep]:roses/ivy~ing over the walls蔓生在墙壁上的玫瑰/常春藤; trail away/off (v adv)说话声逐渐变小(vi):Her voice~ed off into silence. 她说话的声音渐渐变小,最后一点也听不到了。 →′trail-blazer n 开拓者,先驱;′trail-blazing adj 带头的,打先锋的;′trailer n 拖车;(美)(可供居住的)篷车;电影(视)的预告片; 【辨异】 1)trail与trace和track的区别见TRACE; 2)trail与drag、draw、pull、haul和tow的区别见DRAG。 |
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