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单词 trace
trace/treɪs/ vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n [-s/ ɪz/]

vt (1)跟(追)踪(follow by means of cluesevidenceetc)[T+nT+n+prep (to)]:~the origins of a word 追溯词的出处;~a criminal/a thief to London (his hideout) 跟踪罪犯/窃贼到伦敦(其藏身的地方);~a fox to its den 追踪一只狐狸到其巢穴;~a story to its origin 查明一个故事的出处;~a river to its source 查明一条河的源头;~the steps to a pond 跟踪脚印到水塘边;〖同〗 track,hunt;

(2)发现,找到(find or discover by means of cluesevidenceetc)[T+n]:cannot~that letter/that document 查不到那封信/那个文件;(post office) try to~a missing package (邮局)设法查找丢失的包裹; (policeman) try to~a missing man (警察)设法寻找一个失踪的人;The source of the infection/Several ancient Roman army camps has(have) been~d. 感染源/一些古罗马军队的营地已经找到。〖同〗discover,find;

(3)讲(追)述……的发展(describe the development of sth)[T+n]:~the beginning of the labor movement/the decline of the Roman empire/the history of modern art/the development of social organization 叙述工人运动的起源/罗马帝国的衰亡/现代艺术的历史/社会组织的发展;〖同〗outline,describe;

(4)追溯(have or discover the origin of sth)[T+nT+n+adv (back)+prep (to),T+n+prep (to)]:~one's family back to John Alden 追溯家族的先人到约翰·奥尔登;~one's ancestry back to William the Conqueror 追溯自己的祖先直至威廉一世;~a system of government back to the ancient Romans 追溯一政府体制的历史直至古罗马;(family) can~its history back to the 10th century (家族的)历史可追溯到10世纪; (man) can~his descent back to an old Norman family (某人的)血统可追溯到一个古老的诺尔曼家族;(the whole false story/the rumor) be~d (back) to an opposition politician (整个虚假的故事/谣言)源于一政敌; (sb's fear of water) be~d (back) to a childhood accident (某人对水的恐惧)源于儿时的一次意外事故;(the cause of the fire)be~d (back)to a faulty fuse-box (火灾)源于保险丝盒的故障;

(5) 1)描(绘)出……的轮廓(sketch the outline of sth)[T+nT+n+adv (out)]:~out one's route/the shape of the buildings/a plan of the fort/the location of the lot 标出路线/画出建筑物的外形/描绘出堡垒的详图/标出空地的位置;〖同〗outline,draw; 2)缓慢而费力地写(write slowly and with difficulty)[T+n]:~one's name/one's signature slowly (laboriously) 缓慢(费力)地写下名字/签名;

(6)描,拓,复制(写)(copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper)[T+n]:~a drawing on a piece of tissue paper/a map onto a sheet of paper 用一张薄纸把画拓下来/一张纸把地图拓下来;〖同〗copy;

→′tracer n 追踪者;绘图员;描绘工具;曳光弹;′tracing n(图的)复制件;′tracing-paper n(透明)描图纸;′traceable adj 可追踪的;可描画的;′traceableness n 可追踪性;可描绘性;′traceably adv 可追踪地;可描画地;

n (1)痕(遗,踪,形,足)迹(visible mark or sign of the former existence orinfluence of some event)[CU]:~s of prehistoric habitation/a once ancient civilization 史前聚居地/古代文明的遗迹;There were~s of egg on the plate. 盘子里留有鸡蛋的痕迹。T~s of the struggle could be seen on the ground. 看得出地上有打斗的痕迹。There's still no~of the missing child/jewels. 还没有发现丢失的孩子/珠宝的踪迹。unable to find any~of the gang/the murderer/the cattle/the ancient ruin 找不到那帮歹徒的踪迹/那个杀人凶手的踪迹/那牛群的踪迹/古代遗迹;lose all~of sb 不知某人在何处;(ship/car/person/sheep)have vanished/disappeared without (a)~(船/小汽车/人/羊群)消失/消失得无影无踪;be lost without~in the forest 没留一点痕迹,在森林里失踪了;War/The earthquake has left its~(s) on the countryside. 战争/地震在农村留下遗迹。Sorrow has left its~(s) upon his character. 悲伤在他的个性中留下了印迹。〖同〗sign,mark,trail,track;

(2)很少量(extremely small amount of sth)[C]:reveal/find~s of poison in sb's sto-mach 在某人胃里发现/找到微量毒物;There was a~of jealousy/sarcasm/sadness in his voice (tone/smile). 在他的话语(口气/微笑)中带有(一丝)嫉妒/讽刺/忧伤。speak without a~of emotion 讲话毫无感情;It rained a~last night. 昨天夜里下了一点儿雨。~element 微量元素;〖同〗bit,drop,hint,suggestion,shade;

→′traceless adj 无痕迹的;

【辨异】trace tracktrail都可表示“痕迹”。trace 指广意上的“痕迹”,用法较广,如脚印、碎片等,或者无形的“痕迹”。track 指的是在地上留下的印迹,如:follow the tracks of a bear in the snow(在雪地里跟踪熊的足迹);trail 指的是一连串的“痕迹”,还可指气味(人或动物留下的气味),如:a trail of smoke(一缕烟)。





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