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单词 toward(s)
toward(s)/tǝ′wɔ:d(z),AmE ′tɔ:rd(z)/ prep

(1)朝(对,向)……的方向(movingfacing in the direction of sb/sth):look out (walk/run)~the sun/the sea/the river 向着太阳/海/河的方向看(走/跑);stand with one's back~sth 背对着……站着;turn one's back~sth 转过身背对着……;move~the front/the war 开往前线/走向战争;a window~the square 朝向广场的窗户;

(2)趋近于 (moving closer in order to achieve):have made some progress~reach-ing a settlement of the dispute 为解决争端已取得一些进展;He has a tendency~laziness. 他有变懒惰的趋势。

(3)对(关)于(with relation to;regarding):What are your feelings~him? 你对他的看法如何?His attitude~his son/his superior is very strange. 他对他儿子/上司的态度特别古怪。be friendly/frank~sb 对某人友好/真诚;behave affectionately/shamefully~sb 对某人有爱心/行为可耻;

(4)以使,为了,用于(with a view to obtaining or having;for):take the courses~master's degree 为取得硕士学位而选修这些课程;save one's lunch money~a new dress 为买新衣服而省下午饭钱;make an effort~peace 为了和平而努力;(money) go~the cost of a new house/a journey(钱)用于买新房子/旅行;

(5)(指时间)接近(near a point in time):It's getting~Christmas/bedtime. 快到圣诞节/睡觉的时间了。(sb) be getting~retirement age(某人)快到退休年龄;~the end of the century到该世纪末;It started raining/got cool~dawn (evening). 快天亮(近黄昏)时,下雨了/天变凉爽了。





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