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单词 top
top1/tɒp, AmE tɑ:p/ n & adjvt [-pp-]

n (1)上端(部),顶(the highest part of anything)[C]:at the~of a hill/a mountain/a building/a page 在山顶/山顶/楼的顶层/一页的开头;shout/sing at the~of one's lungs (voice) 大声喊/唱;〖同〗peak,summit;〖反〗bottom,base,foot;

(2)最上面一层(the uppermost partpointsurface or end)[C]:the~of a desk/a table 桌面/桌面;put sth on the~of the car/a box 把某物放在车顶/箱子上;on~在上面;在领先地位:go on~in the last lap 跑到最后一圈时领先了;thestorey 头脑;

(3) 1)(复盖……上部的)上部之物,顶层(thing covering the upper part of sth)[C]:the~of the cake/the milk 蛋糕上覆盖的那层奶油/牛奶上浮着的那层奶皮; 2)(尤指妇女的)上衣((esp women's ) garment for the upper half of the body):a~to go with these trousers/the new skirt和这条裤子/新裙子相配的上衣;

(4)盖子(lid or cap) [C]:the~of this jar/the bottle/the box/the paint can 这个坛子/瓶子/箱子/油漆罐的盖子;a screw-~螺旋盖;〖同〗lid,cap,cover,cork;〖反〗bottom;

(5)最重要的位置,最高地位(position of greatest honorauthority) [Csing] [N(of)]:get to/come to/rise to/reach the~达到/达到/达到/达到最高地位;at the~of one's profession/the class 在同行/班级中首屈一指;We've got a lot of things to do this morning,but phoning the doctor is~of the list. 今天上午我们有许多事情要做,但首要的是给医生打电话。the~of the table上座;(at) theof the tree(属于)事业、职业的最高地位(或等级);(be)~dog (sl)占优势的人(团体等);(the)~brass 要员(AmE)(总称);〖同〗head,lead,front;〖反〗worst,least,lowest,bottom;

(6)(根菜类的)叶(leaves of a plant growing chiefly for its root)[C,通常pl]:turnip/beet~s 芜菁/甜菜叶;

from top to bottom 完全地,全部地:They've painted the house from~to bottom. 他们把房子彻底粉刷了一遍。

from top to toe 从头到脚:She was dressed in red from~to toe. 她穿了一身红衣服。

on top of sb/sth 1)除……之外:He gets commission,on~of his salary. 他除了拿工资,还有佣金。2)熟练掌握:a man on~of his job 胜任工作的人;

be on top of the world 特别高兴:She was on~of the world when she found out that her daughter got into college.得知女儿考上了大学,她特别高兴。

adj 顶层的;一流的,最好(高)的(highest in degree or position;greatest;uppermostchief)[通常作attrib]:a room on the~floor 顶层的房间;a book on the~shelf 书架顶层上的书;at~speed 全速;~scientists/doctors/pop singers/jobs/people/marks/men/prices 一流的科学家/一流的医生/一流的流行乐歌手/最好的工作/最好的人/最高的分数/最高的领导/最高的价钱;〖同〗topmost,highest,best,chief,principal;〖反〗bottom,inferior,incompetent,unknown;

→′topless adj 露出上身的;′top-boot n 长统马靴;′topcoat n 外涂层;͵top-′dress v 把(肥)施在地面上;施追肥;͵top-′flight adj 第一流的,最好的;͵top-′heavy adj 不稳的;头重脚轻的;′topknot n(尤指妇女的)冠毛,头饰;͵top-′notch adj 第一流的,最好的;͵top-′ranking adj 最高等级的;′topsoil n 土壤的表层;

vt (1)达到……的顶点(reach the top of (sth))[T+n]:~the hill/the mountain 爬到山顶/山顶;

(2)胜(高)于;名列前茅(exceed;be at the head of)[T+n]:~the world's record/one's teammates/one's class 超过世界纪录/超过队友/在班里名列前茅;(speed)~100 miles an hour (速度)超过每小时100英里;(exports)~$70 million (出口)超过7000万美元;〖同〗 surpass,exceed,better,excel;〖反〗trail;

(3)修剪顶部(remove the uppermost part from a plant)[T+n]:~the fruit trees/the gooseberries/the strawberries 修剪一下果树/截去醋栗/截去草莓的末梢;

(4)给……加盖;浇上……(furnish with;form or serve as a top)[T+nT+n+preppass]:cakes/ice-cream~ped with chocolate sauce 浇了巧克力汁的蛋糕/冰激凌;(mountain) ~ped with snow (高山)顶部覆盖着雪;(church)~ped with a steeple (教堂)有一尖顶;(building/house)~ped with a television antenna/a tall chimney (大楼/房子)顶上耸立着电视天线/高高的烟囱;〖同〗cover,cap;

top off(v adv)给……加顶;圆满地结束(vt):~off the little hut with a straw thatch 给小屋加稻草顶;~off the performance with a chorus 以合唱结束演出;

top out (v adv)落成典礼(vt):When is the tower going to be~ped out? 这座塔什么时候举行落成典礼?

top up (v adv)装满(vt):I'm going to~up the petrol tank. 我正要去加油。

→′top-up n 再装(灌)满;′topping n 形成顶部的东西(蛋糕上的装饰)





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