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❶ (人体或其他物体受到的损害) wound ; injury: 刀 ~ a knife wound; 冻 ~ frostbite; 满身是 ~ be covered with cuts and bruises; 轻 ~ a slight injury; 烫 ~ a scald ; ~ 好了。 The wound has healed. 他左胸上有一处枪 ~。 He has a bullet wound in the left breast.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 省 Shang Xing Ⅱ ❶ (伤害) injure; hurt: 被汽车撞 ~ be knocked down and injured by a car; 出口 ~ 人 speak bitingly; ~ 感情 hurt sb.'s feelings; 摔 ~ fall and hurt oneself; 她 ~ 了腿。 She injured herself in the leg.
❷ (悲伤) be distressed: 哀 ~ sad; sorrowful
❸ (因过度而感到厌烦) get sick of sth. ; develop an aversion to sth.: 他从小吃鸡蛋吃 ~ 了。 He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he is fed up with them now. 这孩子吃糖吃 ~ 了。 The child has got sick of eating sweets.
❹ (妨碍) be harmful to; hinder: 无 ~ 大雅 involving no major principle; not matter much; 有 ~ 国体 discredit one's country
◆伤疤 scar; scarring;
伤兵 wounded soldier;
伤病员 the sick and wounded; noneffectives;
伤部 traumatic part; injured portion;
伤残 permanent disability; mayhem; maim; invalidism;
伤残人 the disabled; physically handicapped person;
伤悼 mourn or grieve over the deceased; 伤风 head cold; sniffle; cold; common cold; catch cold; have a cold; flu; influenza; invasion by wind;
伤风败俗 offend public decency; corrupt public morals; harmful [offensive] to society's morals; injure public morality; pervert (the) manners and customs;undermine the morals of;
伤俘 those wounded and captured in battle; wounded P.O.W.s;
伤感 sick at heart; sentimental; 伤害 harm; hurt; injure; impair; 伤寒 {医} exogenous febrile disease; affection by cold; attack of cold; typhia; typhoid fever; ileotyphus; enterotyphus; typhoid; typh-; typho-;伤寒论 Treatise on Febrile Diseases; Treatise on Fevers; Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders;
伤号 the wounded;
伤耗 damage;
伤痕 scar; bruise; hack;
伤痕累累 scars of wounds strung together like beads;
伤筋 injury of the tissues; injury of the muscle and tendon;
伤筋动骨 be injured in the sinews or bones; have a fracture;
伤酒 get sick from drinking too much wine;
伤科 {中医} department of traumatology; department of fractures and wounds;
伤口 vulnus (pl. vulneva); wound;
伤脑筋 cause sb. enough headache; knotty; trouble ̄ some; bothersome;
伤脾 {中医} impairment of the spleen;
伤情 {中医} traumatic condition; state of an injury;
伤热 be damaged by heat;
伤身 be harmful to the health;
伤神 overtax one's nerves; be nerve-racking;
伤生 do harm to sb.'s life;
伤食 {中医} dyspepsia caused by excessive eating or improper diet; impairment by overeating; 伤逝 [书] grieve over the deceased;
伤势 the condition of an injury (or wound);
伤损 {中医} trauma; injury;
伤天害理 do things offensive to God and reason; do things that are against reason and nature; ruthless and devoid of human feelings;
伤亡 injuries and deaths; casualties;
伤心 sad; grieved; heart-broken; broken- hearted; {中医} impairment of the heart;
伤心惨目 (The sight of ...) nearly broke one's heart; be grieved at seeing sth.; pitiful sight; too ghastly to look at; too horrible to look at; The sight was too much for sb. to bear.;
伤心事 sore spot; old sore; painful memory; grief;
伤员 wounded personnel; the wounded







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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:42:14