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单词 educate


v. 教育,培养,训练
◇ educate oneself 自学
get an education 受教育
‖ educated class 知识阶级
educated unemployment 教育性失业
educated young soldier 知识青年士兵
educated youth 知识青年
educability n. 可教育性
educable adj.educable child 可教育的儿童
educated adj.受过教育的
educatee n. 受教育者
education n. 教育
education act 教育法,教育法令
Education Action Group 教育行动组
education administration authority 主管教育行政机关
education allowance 教育津贴
education and research development 教育科研
education as adjustment to life 教育适应生活说
education as preparation for life 教育准备生活说
Education Assistant 教育行政助理
education at all levels 各级教育
education at the first level 第一级教育
education at the second level 第二级教育
education at the third level 第三级教育
education authority 教育当局
Education Basic Law 教育基本法
education board 教育委员会
education budget 教育经费
education by reward-and-punishment 奖惩教育
education by satellite television 卫星电视教育
education center 教育中心
Education Commission (EC)教育委员会,教委
education complex 教育综合体
education concerning the law 普法教育
education cost 教育成本
education cycle培养周期
education demand curve 教育需求曲线
education demand 教育需求
Education Department 教育局
education encyclopedia 教育百科全书
education evaluation 教育评价
education expenditure per student 生均教育费用
education feedback 教育反馈
education fees 教育收费
education film 教育片,科教影片
education for all 全民教育
education for all-round development 素质教育
education for disabled 低能儿童教育,弱智儿童教育
education for elite 精英教育,英才教育
education for handicapped people 残疾人教育
education for mentally retarded children 弱智教育
education for minorities少数民族教育
education for nationalities 民族教育
education for the elderly 老人教育
education for the entire people 全民教育
education for the gifted children 天才儿童教育
education forum 教育论坛
education gain 教育效用
education grades 教育体系
education-income distribution 教育收入分配
education-income ratio 教育收入比率
education in mountain areas 山区教育
education in revolutionary ideas 革命理想教育
education in servicement ethics 军人道德教育
education index 教育索引
education insurance 教育保险
education internationalization教育国际化
education investment benefit 教育投资效益
education-labour ratio 教育劳动率
Education League 教育同盟
education major 主修教育的学生
education message教育咨文
education n. 教育学,培养,训练
education of adolescence 青春期教育
education of aesthetic feeling 美感教育
education of blind and deaf-mute 盲聋哑教育
education of communist ideal 共产主义理想教育
education of communist ideology 共产主义思想教育
education of communist morality 共产主义道德教育
education of current affairs时事教育
education of deaf and dumb 聋哑教育
education of gifted child 天才儿童教育
education of marriage morality 婚姻道德教育
education of national conditions 国情教育
education of outlook on life 人生观教育
education of revolutionary traditions 革命传统教育
education of students abroad 留学生教育
Education Officer (Administration)教育主任
education officers 教育行政人员
education on law and discipline 法纪教育
education permanente 终身教育
education person as well as impart book knowledge 教书育人
education plan 教育计划
education policy 教育政策
education priority area (EPA)教育优先区,教育重点地区
education process 教育过程
education promoting program教育促进方案
education reform 教育改革
Education Reform Council 教育改革推动委员会
education review 教育评论
Education,Science,Culture and Public Health Committee 教育,科学,文化和卫生委员会
education services 教育服务
education shop教育办事处
education subsector 教育界界别分组
education supply 教育供给
education terminal elemental 终结性初等教育
education terminal media 终结性中等教育
education theory 教育理论
education thought教育思想
education through labout institutions 劳教管理所
education voucher 教育券
education with record of formal schooling 学历教育
education without formal schooling record 非学历教育
further education 深造
get an education 受教育
guidance principles for education 教育方针
level of education 教育程度
Ministry of Education 教育部
permanent education 终身教育
educational adj.教育上的,教育的,有教育意义的
educational acceleration 教育加速制
educational accountability 教育责任制
educational achievements 教育成果
educational adaptation 教育适应
educational adjustment 教育调整
educational administration portal site 教育行政入口网
educational administration 教务,教育管理(学)/ educational administrative organization 教育行政组织
educational administrative organs 教育行政机构
educational aesthetics 教育美学
educational affairs教育事务
educational affiliation 教学用具
educational age 教育年龄
educational aim 教育目的
educational anthropology 教育人类学
educational appropriation 教育拨款
educational arts and crafts 教育工艺学
educational aspiration 教育抱负
educational assessment 教育评估
educational attainment教育程度
educational attainment ratio 教育程度比率
educational background 教育程度
educational benchmark 学历基准
educational benchmark entry point 学历基准起薪点
educational bill (s)教育提案,教育法案
educational biology 教育生物学
educational board 教育董事会,教育委员会
educational broadcast 教学广播,教育广播
educational budget 教育预算
educational business 教育事业
educational capital 教育资本
educational center 教育中心
educational channel教育渠道,教育途径
educational circles (world)教育界
educational code 教育法典
educational committee 教育委员会
educational community 教育共同体
educational component cost 教育个别成本
educational consciousness 教育意识
educational cooperation 教育合作
educational cost 教育成本
educational credit 教育贷款
educational crisis 教育危机
educational data 教育资料
educational decision 教育决策
educational determinism 教育决定论
educational development 教育发展
educational development strategy 教育发展战略
educational development threshold 教育发展阈限
educational diagnosis 学生能力鉴定,教育诊断
educational dictionary 教育辞典
educational disadvantage unit 条件不利儿童教育研究室
educational documentation 教育文件
educational ecology 教育生态
educational economic benefit 教育经济效益
educational economics 教育经济学
educational economy 教育经济
educational efficiency 教育效率
educational end 教育目的
educational endowment 教育捐款
educational environment 教育环境
educational equality 教育平等
educational essential factor cost 教育要素成本
educational ethics 教育伦理学
educational evaluation 教育评估,教育评价
educational evaluation principle 教育评价原则
educational exchange 教育交流
educational expenditure per student 生均教育经费
educational expenditure 教育经费
educational expenses 教育费
educcational experiment 教育实验
educational expert 教育专家
educational facility and staff 教职员工
educational fees 教育费
educational fields 教育园地
educational film 教学片
educational finance 教育财政
educational fixed cost 教育固定成本
educational forecasting 教育预测(学)/ educational foundation 教育基金会
educational functional constituency 教育界功能界别
educational function 教育功能,教育职能
Educational Funding Committee教育经费基准委员会
educational funds 教育基金
educational goal 教育目标
Educational Grants Committee 教育经费分配审议委员会
educational grant 教育补助金
educational group 教育群体
educational guidance 教育指导
educational heritage 教育遗产
educational highlights 课程重点部分
educational history 学历
educational information 教育信息
educational innovation 教育创新,教育革新
educational inspection 教育督导
Educational Institute of Scotland (ELS)苏格兰教育协会
educational instrument 教学仪器
educational internationalization 教育国际化
educational investment教育投资
educational investment per capita人均教育投资
educational laboratory 教育实验室
educational labour union 教育工会
Educational Law 教育法,教育规律
educational leadership 教育领导
educational legislation 教育立法
educational library 教育图书馆
educational linguistics 教育语言学
educational load 教学工作量
educational loan 教育贷款
educational magazine 教育杂志
educational management 教育管理
educational management information system教育管理资讯系统
educational management system 教育管理体制
educational manpower resource 教育人力资源
educarional marginal cost 教育边际成本
educational meaning 教育意义
educational measurement 教育测量
educational measure 教育措施
educational media 教育传播媒介
educational mobility 教育灵活性
educational mode 教育方式
educational model 教育模式
educational monopoly 教育垄断
educational movement教育运动
educational movies 教学电影
educational network 教育网
educational neutralism 教育中立原则
educational objectives 教育目标
educational opportunity 教育机会
educational or training received 教育程度
educational outlay 教育支出
educational park 综合学园
educational pattern 教育模式
educational penalty 教育惩罚
educational period 教育时期
educational philosophy 教育哲学
educational placement 学生定额
educational planning 教育规划
educational policy 教育政策
educational population 教育人口
educational potence 教育潜力
educational practice 教育实习
educational practice 教育实践
educational principle 教育原理(则)/ educational priority areas project 教育优先区规划
educational probation 教师试用期
educational programming 教育规划
educational project 教育设计
educational psychology 教育心理学
educational psychology of deficiency 缺陷教有心理学
educational punishment 教育惩罚
educational quality 教育质量
educational records 教育档案
educational reform教育改革
educational regularity 教育规律性
educational regulation 教育法规,教育规章
educational research 教育研究
educational research project 教育研究计划
educational resources 教育资源
educalional retardation 教育滞后
educational return 教育益
educational review 教育评论
educational revolution 教育革命
educational right 教育权利
educational scale 教育规模
educational science 教育科学
educational selection教育选择
educational settlement 成人教育中心
educational social cost 教育社会成本
educational social function 教育社会职能
educational social psychology 教育社会心理学
educational sociology 教育社会学
educational software 教育软件
educational specialization 教育专业化
educational standard教育水准
educational statistics 教育统计学
educational status 教育地位
educational streaming 教育分流
educational structure 教育结构,教育体制
educational supervision教育督导
educational supply 教育用品
educational symposium 教育专题讨论会
educational system 教育制度
educational system experiment 教育制度实验
educational system of school 学校教育制度
educational tax 教育税
educational technique 教育技术
educational technology 教育技术学
educational television 教育电视
educational test 教育测验
educational Testing Service (ETS)教育测验服务社
educational theory 教育理论
educational therapy 教育疗法
educational tour 教育旅游
educational trend 教育趋势,教育动向
educational TV station 教育电视台
educational undertaking教育事业
educational value 教育价值
educational variable cost 教育变动成本
educational view 教育观点
educational voucher 教育凭证
educational wastage 教育损耗
educational welfare service 教育福利服务处
educational worker 教育工作者
educational world 教育界
educationally adv.educationally disadvantaged 教育劣势者
educationally subnormal 教育低能者,教育上智力逊常
educatainment n. 寓教于乐
educationese n. 教育用语
educationist n. 教育工作者,教育
educative adj.有教育意义的,起教育作用的
educative instruction 教育性教学
educative learning 推断学习
educative purpose 教学目的
educator n. 教育工作者
educology n. 教学理论研究
educrat n. 教育官员
educreation n. 教育创造





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