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单词 sugar
sugar/′⨜ ʊɡǝ(r)/ nvt [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)1)糖(sweetusu white substance obtained from the juices of various plants and used in food and drinks)[U]:a lump/spoonful of~一块/匙糖;have enough~to make jam 有足够的糖做果酱;put~in food or drink to make it sweet 在食品或饮料中放糖使其变甜;take~in/with one's tea/one's coffee 喝茶/咖啡放糖;cane-/brown/white~蔗/红/白糖;a~plantation/refinery/bowl 蔗糖种植园/制糖厂/糖钵;2)方糖,一茶匙糖(cube or teaspoonful of sugar)[C]:How many~s do you need in your coffee? 你的咖啡里要放几块(匙)糖?

(2)亲爱的,宝贝(term of address to sb one likes)[C](infml)(尤AmE):Hey,~,nice to see you again! 嗨! 宝贝儿,又见到你真高兴!

→′sugarless adj 无糖的;′sugar-beet n 甜菜;′sugar-cane n 甘蔗;′sugar-′coated adj 包糖衣的;′sugar-daddy n 有钱的色鬼;′sugar-lump n 方糖;′sugar-maple n 糖枫;′sugar-tongs n 方糖夹钳;′sugary adj 含糖的,甜的;甜蜜的;′sugariness n甜蜜;

vt 撒(加)糖(covercoatmix or sweeten with sugar)[T+n]:~one's tea/one's grapefruit 往茶/葡萄柚里放糖;~strawberries well 给草莓拌适量的糖;~ed almonds 糖杏仁;He tried to~the bad news.(fig) 他尽力使那坏消息更容易被人接受。





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