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单词 study
study/′stʌdi/ v [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]; n [-yies/z/]

v (1)学习,研究(give one's time and attention to gain knowledge of a subject)[II+prepI+to-infT+nT+wh]: ~by oneself 自学;He is~ing at home. 他正在家里学习。~for exams/the bar/a degree 为考试而学习/学习当律师/读学位;~with one of the great masters at the conservatory 在音乐学院和最伟大的大师之一一起研究;~to be a doctor/a teacher 学习从医/教;~French/engineering/medicine 学习法语/工程学/医学;~the structure of the atom/needs of all the children 研究原子结构/所有孩子们的需求;~how children learn to speak 研究儿童如何学习说话;〖同〗investigate,examine,consider,explore;

(2)仔细看,观察(examine carefully or close-ly)[T+nT+n+prep]:~a road-map/the railway timetable/a painting 仔细查看道路图/列车时刻表/油画;~sb's face with interest 有兴趣地端详某人的脸;~the directions for putting up the tent 仔细查看搭帐篷的说明;〖同〗examine,survey,review;

n (1)学习,求学(act or process of studying;pursuit of knowledge)[U;Cpl]:long hours/years of~数小时/多年的学习;be fond of~喜爱学习;devote oneself to~专心学习;give all one's leisure/one's spare time to~(one's~ies) 用全部闲暇/业余时间来学习;begin one's~ies at university 开始大学的学习;spend the entire afternoon on~整个下午都用于读书;take up the~of Italian 开始学习意大利语;~groups/time 学习小组/时间;〖同〗learning,education,instruction;

(2) 1)研究(成果) (sth that is the result of the work on a particular subject)[C]:a feasibility~可行性研究;my~ies show that... 我的研究显示……;interrupt sb's~ies 打断某人的研究;make a~of ancient history/the country's foreign trade 研究古代史/该国的外贸;present/publish a~of dreams 提交/发表一篇研究梦的论文;〖同〗investigation,inquiry,research,examination,search;2)学科(branch of knowledge;subject studied)[C,通常pl]:Biology is the~of living things. 生物学是一门研究生物的学科。History,music and law are~ies. 历史、音乐和法律是不同的学科。scientific~ies 科研课题;

(3)书房(room in a house for reading and writing)[C]:The boy has a little~. 那个男孩有个小书房。In this college each student has a~. 在这个学院里,每个学生都有一个书房。The dictionary is in the~. 词典在书房中。

(4)习作;练习曲(artistic or musical composition intended as an experiment or exercise)[C]:a~hall 练习厅;a~of a flower 一幅画花的习作;a~in black and white 一幅黑白画习作;a book of~ies for the piano 一册钢琴练习曲;

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