释义 |
信xìnⅠ ❶ (书信) letter; mail: 保价 ~ insured letter; 拆 ~ open a letter; 公开 ~ an open letter; 挂号 ~ registered letter; 平 ~ ordinary letter [mail]; 私 ~ personal [private] letter; 证明 ~ certificate; certification ❷ (信息;消息) message; word; information: 口 ~ a verbal message; an oral message; 通风报 ~ divulge secret information; tip sb. off; 还没有 ~ 儿呢 。 No news yet. 你到达后给我来个 ~ 儿。 Please send me word of your arrival. 请你捎个 ~ 儿给他好吗 ? Would you mind giving him a message? ❸ (凭据) sign; evidence: ~ 号 signal; 印 ~ official seal ❹ (信用) confidence; trust; faith: 取 ~ 于民 win the people's confidence [trust]; 失 ~ break faith [one's promise]; 言而无 ~ fail to keep faith; go back on one's word ❺ (引信) fuse: 炸药 ~ 管 fuse in a blasting charge ❻ (信石; 砒霜) arsenic: 白 ~ white arsenic ❼ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 都芳 Xin Dufang Ⅱ ❶ (相信) believe; take stock in; credit: 坚 ~ firmly [staunchly] believe; 将 ~ 将疑 half believe and half doubt; ~ 不 ~ 由你 believe it or not; ~ 以为真 accept sth. as true; 他深 ~ 自己必将成功。 He profoundly believed in his future success. ❷ (听凭; 放任; 随意) at will; at random; without plan: ~ 笔写来 write freely without hesitation; ~ 步闲游 walk aimlessly ❸ (信奉) profess faith in; believe in: ~ 佛 profess Buddhism Ⅲ (确实) true: ~ 乎? Is it true? ~ 然。 It is indeed true. ◆信笔 write freely without hesitation or as fancy dictates; 信笔涂鸦 clumsy in penmanship; write carelessly; write rough and ready; 信笔直书 write freely without too much hesitation; write freely as fancy dictates; 信标 {电} beacon; 信步 take a leisurely walk; stroll; walk aimlessly; 信步来到 come to a place in aimless wandering; (He) let (his) feet carry (him) as they would.; 信步闲踱 walk about aimlessly; roam about without definite objective; take a leisurely walk; 信不过 mistrust; 信差 [旧] carrier; postman; 信从 trust and comply with; 信、达、雅 fidelity, fluency [expressiveness], elegance [flair]; 信贷 credit; “信得过”企业 “trusted by the masses” enterprise; 信都 a surname; 信访 petition letter; 信封 envelope; 信风 {气} trade wind; trade; 信奉 believe in; embrace; 信孚中外 have the confidence both of foreigners and of one's own people; 信服 completely accept; be convinced; 信鸽 carrier pigeon; homing pigeon; homer; 信函 letters; 信号 signal; semaphore; gun; 信号板 signal plate; signal panel; pick-up plate; backplate; 信汇 mail transfer (M-T); letter of transfer; 信及豚鱼 One's sincerity moves even the sucking pigs and fish.; extend good faith even to the sucking pigs and the fish (to the lowest creatures); be famed for great faith; 信笺 letter paper; writing paper; 信件 letter; mail; missive; 信教 profess a religion; be religious; get [experience] religion; 信苴 a surname; 信据 evidence; proof; 信口雌黄 make irresponsible remarks; wag one's tongue too freely; speak at random; make a malicious remark carelessly; talk sheer nonsense; be free with one's tongue; criticize [make statements] freely without careful thought; make deceitful statements [unfounded charges]; 信口开河 speak carelessly, rapidly, voluminously like the outflow of river water when the sluice gates are opened; have a loose tongue; shoot off one's mouth; talk at random (without restraint); talk recklessly; talk drivel; speak at random; talk in a loose kind of way; talk off the top of one's head; talk through one's hat; speak without measuring one's words; say sth. at a venture; say whatever comes to one's mind; say sth. without proper consideration; let one's tongue run away with him; make irresponsible remarks; aimless talk; irresponsible chat; wag one's tongue too freely; talk nonsense; talk irresponsibly; 信口胡诌 talk nonsense; speak thoughtlessly; speak wildly; 信筐 out-tray; 信赖 trust; count on; have faith in; depend (on); 信马由缰 ride with lax reins — let things take their natural course; 信念 faith; belief; conviction; persuasion; 信女 female believer; 信皮 [口] envelope; 信瓤儿 [口] letter enclosed in an envelope; 信任 trust; have confidence in; believe in; take [put] stock in; faith; reliance; credence; dependence; 信实 trustworthy; honest; reliable; 信史 true [authentic] history; faithful historical account; 信使 courier; messenger; 信使往还 exchange of correspondence and emissaries; 信士 believer; follower of religion; [书] honest man; 信誓旦旦 take an oath devoutly; pledge in all sincerity and seriousness; vow solemnly; give sb. one's firm and solemn promise; oath solemnly pledged; a sincere pledge; Clearly was one sworn to good faith.; 信手 conveniently; 信手拈来 have one's words at hand; have material, etc. at one's fingertips; skillful or dextrous in the handling of material, data, etc. in writing articles; write without stopping to reflect; write freely without too much hesitation; have words, material, etc. at one's fingertips and write with facility; take it off with the hand; 信守 abide by; honour; stand by; 信守不渝 be unswervingly true; be unswervingly faithful; 信守诺言 keep a promise; faithful to one's promise [word]; keep one's word; keep faith (with sb.); be as good as one's word; be regardful of one's promises; stick to one's promise; 信宿 [书] stay over for two consecutive nights; two nights; 信天翁 {动} albatross; 信天游 a kind of Shaanxi local melody; 信条 article of creed; article of faith; creed; precept; tenet; symbol; belief; 信筒 pillar-box; mailbox; 信徒 believer; disciple; follower; adherent; devotee; votary; 信托 trust; entrust; confide; fiduciary; 信托投资公司 trust and investment corperation; 信望 prestige; 信物 authenticating object; token; keepsake; 信息 information; message; news; 信息反馈 information feedback; 信息高速公路 information super highway; 信息化社会 informationizationed society; 信息技术革命 information technological revolution; 信息交换台 information message exchange board; 信息经纪人 information broker; 信息科学 information science; 信息库 information bank; 信息量 information volume; informationcontent; 信息通信网 information communication network; 信息组 message block; field; {自} block; byte; 信箱 letter box; mailbox; post box; post-office box (P.O.B.); 信心 confidence; faith; 信心百倍 One's confidence in... is multiplied a hundredfold.; be [feel] full of confidence; brim with confidence; with unbounded confidence; 信仰 faith; belief; conviction; believe in; 信仰自由 freedom of faith [belief]; liberty of belief; 信以为然 believe it to be so; accept the statement as true; take ... for grant ̄ed; 信以为真 take sth. for gospel truth; take...on trust [faith]; take sth. to be true; give credence to...; take (sb.'s words) literally; accept sth. as true; take ... for granted; take sb. at his word; believe it to be true; 信义 good faith; faith; 信义素著 be always righteous and true; 信用 trustworthiness; credit; {经} credit; 信用卡 credit card; 信用昭著 One's credit is evident.; 信用证 letter of credit (L/C); 信誉 prestige; credit; reputation; 信誉广告 prestige advertising; 信誉昭著 One's credit [prestige] is evident.; enjoy high reputation; 信源 information source; message source; 信札 letters; 信札往来 exchange of correspondence; 信纸 letter paper; writing paper 信xin❶true ❷faith; trust ❸pledge |