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单词 heat
释义 heat2 /hi:t; hit/ vt, vi [VP6A, 15B, 2C] ~ (up), make or become hot: 使热; 变热: ~ (up) some water; 烧热一些水; ~ up the cold meat for supper; 将冷肉热一热以备晚餐食用。 ~ed adj excited; passionate: 热烈的; 激烈的: a ~ed discussion, one during which feelings are roused; 激昂的讨论; get ~ed with wine. 因喝酒而兴奋。 ~ ydly adv in a ~ed manner. 热烈航; 激烈地。 ~er n device for supplying warmth to a room, or for ~ing water, etc: 暖气设备; 火炉; 热水器: a 'gas: ~er; 煤气炉; an 'oil- ~er. 煤油炉。 ~ing n [U] means of creating ~: 暖气装置: electric/gas/oil ~ing. 电 (煤气,煤油) 暖气装置。 central.




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