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单词 struggle
struggle/′strʌɡl/ vi [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

vi (1)搏(争)斗,扭打(fight)[II+prep(with),I+adv]:The two men were~ing. 那两个人在搏斗。~with a thief/an intruder和小偷/闯入者搏斗;~with a restive horse/a heavy parcel 竭力驾驭桀骜不驯的马/吃力地提着沉重的包裹;~for room on the subway在地铁车上挤个地方;~for a knife/the possession of sth 争夺一把刀/某物的拥有权;〖同〗battle,compete,fight;〖反〗yield;

(2)挣扎(move one's limbs or body violently to free oneself)[II+prep (against/with),I+advI+to-inf]:The pony~d and kicked. 小马奋力挣扎,乱踢乱踹。(prisoner)~against one's captors(被捕人)要挣脱逮捕者;~in sb's arms 在某人的怀抱中挣扎;~to get away from one's attacker 挣扎着要逃脱袭击者的攻击;~to free oneself 奋力挣脱;

(3)奋斗,斗争,拼搏(make great efforts or try hard to deal with a difficulty or situation)[II+prep (against/with)(for),I+to-inf]:~against poverty/overwhelming odds/a desire for sleep/those who oppose the plan和贫穷/悬殊的差距/睡意/那些反对计划的人们作斗争;~with illness/a difficult task与疾病/艰难的任务作斗争;~with one's conscience/one's economic problems与自己的良心搏斗/努力解决经济问题;~for independence 争取独立;~for supremacy/power 争夺霸权/权力;~for reform/a living 为改革/生计而奋斗;~to survive/meet the deadline/control one's temper 为生存拼搏/努力在规定期限内完成工作/竭力控制脾气;〖同〗strain,strive,push;

(4)艰难地行进,吃力地进行(make one's way with violent effort (in the specified direction))[I+prepI+adv]:~against the wind/the tide 顶风/浪前进;~through the snow/the mud/the undergrowth 在大雪/泥泞/灌木丛中挣扎前行;~to the surface of the water/the shore 挣扎着浮出水面/冲向岸边;~into a tight dress 费劲地套上紧身衣;(chick)~out of the shell(鸡雏)破壳而出;(person/bird)~out of a net(人/鸟)从网中挣扎着逃脱;~out of a burning car 奋力爬出着火的汽车;~up from the sofa/the chair/the seat 挣扎着从沙发/椅子/座位上起身;

struggle along/on (v adv)挣扎,在极其困难中求生(vi):They managed to~along somehow. 他们总算设法活下来了。

n (1)搏(争)斗,扭打;挣扎;斗争(hard fight)[C]:a short~短暂的搏斗;hand-to-hand~徒手搏斗;in the~to arrest a thief 在抓小偷的搏斗中;the~between two men/two teams 两个人/队之间的争斗;the class/power~阶级/权力斗争;~for existence/survival 生存/生死斗争;a(long/hard/heroic)~for independence/national freedom 为独立/民族自由进行的(长期/艰苦/英勇)斗争;lose many men in a~斗争中牺牲了很多人;a~with cancer 同癌症的斗争;surrender/yield/give up without a~不斗争就投降/屈服/放弃;〖同〗fight,battle;

(2)奋斗,努力(great effort)[C,通常sing]:a~to catch the end of the rope 挣扎着去抓住绳头;learn sth through a~通过奋斗学到东西;control one's feelings with a~竭力控制感情;gain control of sth after a long~经过长期的努力控制住……;〖同〗effort,push,strain





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