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单词 substitute
substitute/′sʌbstɪtju:t, AmE ′-tu:t/ nv [-d,-d/ ɪd/,-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n 替代(换,补)者(物),代用品(物)(person or thing that acts or is used in place of another)[C][N (for)]:find a~to play in sb's place寻找一名替身代某人打球;send one's deputy as a~派副手作为代表;a sugar~食糖的代用品;a~for leather/sugar/wine 皮革/食糖/葡萄酒的代用品;a~for a baseball pitcher一名垒球替补投手;There is no~for champagne/good food/exercise. 没有能代替香槟/美食/锻炼的东西。Try to make a list of these expressions and suggest~s for them. 试着把这些词语列个表并提出他们的替换词。~players/horses 替补球员/马匹;〖同〗alternate,replacement,standby;

v(1)用……代替(替换)(put sb/sth in place of sb/sth)[T+nT+n+prep (for)]:They didn't like potatoes,so we~d rice. 他们不喜欢土豆,所以我们换上了米饭。~walnuts for pecans in the recipe/a fake diamond for the original 以核桃代替食谱中的美洲山核桃/假钻石代替真钻石;~the better kind 以次充好;~X for Y in the equation 在方程式中用X代替Y;

(2)代替,替代(act as a substitute)[I+prep(for)]:be~ing for a teacher who is ill 正在代替一位生病的教师;Water can~for wine. 水可以代替酒。 Honey can~sugar. 蜂蜜可以代替糖。

→substi′tution n 代替;替换;取代;






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