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单词 subject
subjectn/′sʌbdʒ ɪkt/; adj /′sʌbdʒ ɪkt/[无comp]; vt /sǝb′dʒekt/

n (1)题目,话题(person or thing that is talked or written aboutetc)[C]:a~of discussion/conversation 讨论/谈话的题目;the~of a composition/the criticism 作文/评论的题目;a~for further investigation/debate 进一步调查/争论的问题;say sth on the~of money 就钱的问题说几句;change the~改变话题;〖同〗topic,question,theme,issue;

(2)主题,题材(person or thing represented in a work of artliterary composition)[C]:the~of a book/a painting/a poem 一本书/幅画/首诗的主题;choose a~for a play/an essay 为一部剧/一篇散文选择主题;write a book on the~of sailing/love 写一部论述航海/爱情的书;〖同〗theme,thesis;

(3)科目,学科,课程(branch of knowledge as a course of studyetc)[C]:main~s 主要科目;a great authority on the~of international laws 国际法学科的大权威;His~is history/chemistry. 他的学科是历史/化学。Physics is his favourite~. 物理是他最喜爱的科目。love the~you are teaching 热爱你教的课程;take exams in three~s (take three~s in one's exams) 参加三门功课的考试;〖同〗field,study,discipline;

(4)主语(word(s) representing the person or thing that does the action shown by the verb or about which sth is stated)[C]:the~and the predicate主语和谓语;For example,in the sentence“Jack threw the ball”,the~is Jack. 例如,在句子 Jack threw the ball (杰克掷球)中,主语是Jack(杰克)。

(5)引起……的人(事物)(person or thing that causes a certain kind of action or feelings)[C][N (for)]:the~of great amusement/much criticism引人开怀大笑/引起众多批评的缘由;a~for pity/congratulation/complaint 怜悯/祝贺/抱怨的对象;the~for some critical comment 某些批评性评论的对象;

(6)臣(国,庶)民(member of a state apart from the supreme ruler)[C]:a British~英国国民;all the Queen's~s 女王的所有臣民;a~of the United Kingdom 联合王国的国民;loyal~s of the Queen/the King 女王/国王的忠实臣民;〖同〗follower,dependent,citizen;〖反〗ruler;

(7)(实验)对象,供解剖用的尸体(personanimal or corpse that undergoes medical or scientific treatment or investigation)[C]:the~s of an experiment 实验的对象;an experiment to study the effects of smoking,with mice as the~s 用老鼠做研究吸烟影响的试验;need some male~s for a psychology experiment 需要一些男子为对象进行心理学实验;

→′subject-matter n 题材,内容;论(话)题;

adj(1)服从的,受……支配的(under the power or authority of sth/sb)[A (to)][作pred]:be~to the laws of the country/the land/the school/nature 受国家法律/当地法律/学校规定/自然法则的限制;~to the jurisdiction of a government 受政府司法权的约束;Employees are~to the regulations of the company. 雇员必须遵守公司的规章。〖同〗obedient;

(2)易(常)受(患,遭)……的(be liable to suffer from or have a tendency towards sth)[A(to)][作pred]:The programme/arrangement/timetable is~to alteration (change). 节目/安排/时间表常改变。He is~to infection/colds/ill health. 他容易受感染/患感冒/生病。He is~to ridicule/fits of jealousy.他常受到嘲笑/感到一阵阵的妒嫉。Japan is~to earthquakes. 日本常常发生地震。〖同〗liable,exposed,disposed;〖反〗indisposed;

(3)取决于……的,由……决定的 (de-pending on)[A (to)][作pred]:The treaty (plan) is~to your confirmation /the director's approval. 这条约(计划)须经你的批准/主任的同意。I'll do it~to his consent. 他同意我就干。I'll change the plan~to the weather. 我将根据天气改变计划。〖同〗dependent,conditional;〖反〗independent,unrelated;

(4)受……支配的(not independent;controlled by another poweretc)[作attrib]:~nations/peoples 附属国/被统治的民族;

vt (1)使服从(隶属),统治(bring under one's control or rule)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:~the neighbouring territory 征服邻国的领土;The country was once~ed to foreign rule. 这个国家曾一度受外国统治。I shall~myself to his directions. 我将服从他的指示。Tom tries to~his whole family to his will. 汤姆试图使全家人服从他的意志。

(2)使遭(蒙,经)受(cause to undergo sth;expose)[T+n+prep (to)]:~sb to criticism/ridicule/torture/cruel treatment/frequent rebuffs 使人遭受指责/嘲笑/折磨/残酷的对待/经常的冷遇;be~ed to the curiosity of the public 成为公众好奇的对象;The hurricane~ed the islanders to devastating floods. 飓风使岛民们遭到洪水的毁灭性打击。~metal to intense heat/tyres to various tests 给金属加热/使轮胎经受各种测试;〖同〗expose,submit,put through;

→sub′jection n 服从;隶属;征服





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