单词 | succeed |
释义 | succeed/sǝk′si:d/ vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/] (1)成功,做成,达到目的(manage to do what is trying to do;achieve the desired result)[I,I+prep (in)]:Our efforts/experiment/attack~ed. 我们的努力/试验/攻击成功了。He finally~ed as a lawyer. 作为律师他最终取得了成功。Methods of treatment that~with one person may not~with another. 对一个人有效的疗法对另一人可能并不奏效。Grass will not~in this dry soil. 在这种干燥的土壤中草不会成活。~in solving the mystery/performing one's task 成功地解开了这个谜/完成了任务;~in life/one's chosen career 在生活/自己所选的事业上成功;He tried to pick up the bottles on the ground,but~ed only in dropping those in his hands. 他试图把地上的瓶子拾起来,但结果连手里的也掉了。〖同〗hit,catch,win,prevail;〖反〗fail,miss; (2)继任,接替(be the next to take a position or rank)[T+n]:~sb as President 继某人之后担任总统;Mr. Jones was~ed as headmaster by Mr. Smith. 史密斯先生继琼斯先生之后任校长。〖同〗replace;〖反〗precede; (3)紧跟着(follow next in order)[T+n]:The dry weather was~ed by a month of rain. 干旱天气过后下了一个月的雨。A silence~ed her words. 她说完话之后是一阵沉默。〖同〗follow; (4)继承(inherit)[I,I+prep(to)]:On George VI's death,Elizabeth II~ed (to the throne). 乔治六世死后,伊利莎白二世继位。~to dukedom/inheritance/an estate/the property/a title 继承公爵爵位/遗产/产业/财产/称号;〖同〗inherit;〖反〗precede; →suc′cessive adj 连续的;相继的;suc′cessor n 继承者;继任者,接班人;suc′cess n 成功;suc′cession n; 【辨异】succeed与follow和result的区别见FOLLOW。 |
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