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单词 飞沙走石

飞沙走石fēi shā zǒu shí

[as in a windstorm]sand flowing in clouds,pebbles being swept along the ground; sand flying about and stones hurtling through the air
❍ 他就捻起诀来,念动咒语,向巽地上吸一口气,呼的吹将去,便是一阵风,~,好惊人也。(《西游记》31)So he made a magic with his fist and said the words of the spell,sucked in some air from the south-east,and blew it hard out again.It turned into a terrifying gale carrying sand and stones with it.
❍ 两马相交,忽然狂风大作,~,两军皆乱,各自收兵。(《三国演义》68) But just as the two horses met a hurricane burst over the spot and the flying dust and pebbles threw both sides into the most confusion. Both drew off.
❍ 播土扬尘天地暗,~鬼神惊。(《西游记》101)/Spraying mud and splattering dust darken Heaven and Earth;|Flying sand and hurtling rocks scare demons and gods.
❍ 飞雷大作,飞砂走石,黑气冲天,滚滚人马,自天而下。(《三国演义》12) Sand flew in clouds,pebbles were swept along the ground,black masses of vapour filled the sky and rolling masses of foot and horse descended from on high.
❍ 只见狂风四起,~。(《水浒全传》749)Straightway a mighty wind rose in all four directions and the sands flew past and stones moved.





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