释义 |
awfula. 1.awe-inspiring,inducing fear 令人敬畏的,引起恐惧的。 △2H.Ⅵ.5.1.97:“Thy hand is made to grasp apalmer’s staff/And not to grace an awful princelysceptre.”你的手生来只能握香客的拐棍,而不能给令人敬畏的君主权杖带来一点尊严。 △3H.VI.2.1.154:“And wringthe awful sceptre from his fist,”并且把那令人敬畏的王杖从他手中夺下来。 2. reverend,worshipful可敬的,受人崇敬的。 △Gent.4.1.46 (44):“Thrust from the company of awful men.”被排挤到上流社会之外。 3. filled with awe 充满敬畏的。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.1.176(174):“We come within our awful banks again.”我们再回到臣子的诚惶诚恐地位上去。 awful rule:order commanding respect,veneration ofauthority 令人敬服的统治,对权威的尊敬。 △Shr.5.2.110(109):“An awful rule,and right supremacy;”令人敬服的统治,合理的霸权。 |